Couples in love sometimes have to go through a breakup. Some people, moving away from each other, begin to kill feelings with offensive words, but it is better not to do this.

Step 1
If you initiated a breakup with your significant other, before ending the relationship, be sure to thank her for the time you were together. Surely together you have experienced a lot of good things. Just do not indulge in memories and remind the person from whom you are leaving about how good you were at one time or another. Such conversations can hurt an already wounded soul.
Step 2
Try to find the right words to explain your reason for leaving. However, remember that only the true reasons need to be voiced, any lie, even for good, can cause a storm of negative emotions in a person. If you love someone else, say so. You can use the following phrase: “You are a wonderful person who taught me a lot. There were many good moments in our life. I will always remember what you did (did) for me, but, unfortunately, I met (met) another person whom I could (could) love. If the reason for the separation was not a new love, but some of your common problems, quarrels and misunderstandings, read out a list of qualities that did not suit you in your soulmate. Maybe, after everything becomes clear, you don't even have to interrupt your relationship with a loved one, because, being on the verge of breaking up, people are more acutely aware of the whole essence of things and are ready to make any efforts in order to establish a connection with their beloved.
Step 3
If your soul mate became the initiator of your separation, you should not make tantrums and scandals, insult or humiliate a person who was once your dearest and closest to you. Accept his decision steadfastly and boldly, restrain your emotions and simply express your gratitude for your shared past. In such a situation, you may well indulge in memories of the time spent together, since pleasant thoughts can make a person change his mind about his decision.
Step 4
Ask your ex-spouse to explain why they left. Try to make it clear that you are ready to change for your shared future. If your persuasion did not bring any result, just wish the person happiness in his future personal life and in any of his endeavors and let him go. Understand that sincere love is capable of even such sacrifices, for the sake of the well-being of a dear person. Remember that over time you will be able to forget your resentment and also find your true happiness.