All parents want to see their child healthy and successful in the future. But, unfortunately, hopes are not always justified. Then moms and dads begin to look for the cause of their children's failures in themselves. And this secret is simple and lies on the surface. No wonder they say: "As you name the boat, so it will float." Therefore, you should be serious about choosing the name of your child. It carries a strong energy charge and information about a person.

It is necessary
Calendar of Orthodox names, a book of interpretation of names, a guide for calculating the number of a name and the number of birth
Step 1
When choosing the name of a Russian boy, be guided by the age-old Christian traditions of naming babies. If you name your baby according to the Orthodox calendar, that's right. Since for the rest of his life a guardian angel will be "attached" to him, protecting him from many misfortunes.
Step 2
Choose names that are closest to the day of his birth or conditional day of baptism. There will be many such names, but choose the ones you like the most.
Step 3
If you have a few more names in mind (not included in the Orthodox calendar), then add them to your list.
Step 4
After that, work with information about these names: historical significance, how they characterize their "carriers". Your list will be narrowed down a bit soon.
Step 5
From the resulting list, exclude those that are discordant with the names of the parents. Otherwise, you program in advance conflict situations between yourself and the child. For example, it is silly to call a boy Edward if his father has a traditionally Russian name (Peter, Ivan, Alexei, etc.). After that, your list of names will be even smaller.
Step 6
When choosing a name, consider the time of year in which the baby was born. Winter children are best given a soft, melodious name. Children born in spring lack firmness and confidence. Therefore, it should "add" more fighting qualities. Summer babies lack patience and endurance, and autumn babies lack determination and gentleness in relations with people. Therefore, listen to the names that you have prepared for your boy. Filter out those that do not meet this requirement.
Step 7
Then follow the baby's reactions to the suggested names. Say them calmly, slowly, while paying attention to the child's mood. If he suddenly began to smile animatedly, express delight at the sound of a name, this means that it is probably his.
Step 8
And finally, calculate the numerology of the numbers of names and birthdays. The numerical value of the birthday reveals the secrets of the natural inclinations of the baby and is the number of the personality. And the number of the name should correspond to your ideas about his character and abilities. Books have been written on this subject, the recommendations of which you can follow. Through proper analysis, you can find a name that will attract happiness to your boy.