From the first days of school, the parents of the students face a problem: how to teach the child to independently do homework. And the more cared for your baby has been until now, the more difficult it is to teach him to prepare for school himself. So how do you do this?

Step 1
So, if you want your child to be successful in middle and high school, when homework is already difficult enough, you should start teaching him independence from the very first day of school. Explain to the child that lessons are his direct responsibility, and he should do them strictly at a certain time every weekday. Set hours for your class so that you can initially monitor your homework. Control does not mean sitting and solving problems with the child, but watching from the outside so that he is not distracted by foreign objects - a TV, computer, toys and books.
Step 2
In the process of completing the lessons, the child may have difficulties: sooner or later he will face a problem that he cannot solve himself. In this case, he should be helped. Find a similar problem or change the conditions of the original so that it slightly differs in numbers. Then find a way to solve this problem in the textbook and find the correct answer with your child. If in the process of joint solution your student "dawns" - do not interfere with him, let him reach the end of the problem himself. It will also be useful to look together for several alternative solutions to the problem. Try to turn this process into a competition: whoever comes up with the best solution wins a prize. When the child learns the solution, he will cope with the original problem without any problems.
Step 3
However, it happens that the child simply does not want to learn. Then the right motivation will come to the rescue. Don't put pressure on your child. Just show him clearly what will happen if he does not study - hard, poorly paid work and low status in society will scare almost any little lazy person. In contrast, tell your child what awaits a successful student: exciting college years, prestigious work, and good rewards.
Step 4
Another case is when a child wants to learn, but does not master the program. In this case, the approach should be strictly individual and careful. Parents of such a student should consult with the teacher and school psychologist and strictly follow their recommendations. The main thing is not to let the student lose faith in himself and his strength. At school, successful learning is possible not only due to a bright mind, but also due to perseverance. And you can express yourself in creativity, sports and other areas of school life.
Step 5
And the last piece of advice. Think of yourself in school. If you did not grab the stars from the sky, then you should not expect this from a child. Conversely, don't pressure him with your excellent grades in school. So you will only embitter him or morally humiliate him. Remember, your child is the most unique, do not compare him with anyone and love him for who he is.