It seems that until recently you were touched by the first words of your crumbs, and today, when you try to do something for him, he proudly says “I myself!”. And it's not just the ads he saw on TV. The desire to be adult and independent awakens in him.

There are, of course, the opposite situations, when you are in a hurry somewhere and persistently say “dress yourself!”. At this moment, the child begins to be capricious and asks for help, and there is no longer any question of independence. In such matters, you need to adhere to the golden mean and by your own example, without pressure, help the child become independent.
Baby 3 years old
The most important stage in the development of a child is considered to be the age from one to three years. Experts call this period "psychological growth from birth to adulthood." After all, in just a couple of years, the child already knows how to eat, begins to take care of himself, becomes more accurate.
From complete helplessness in infancy, in a year and a half, he goes through the path of development and now he walks confidently, tries to eat, drink, put on shoes and dress on his own. At two years old, he does all this more skillfully: he unbuttons his jacket, uses a spoon and a cup, washes and wipes his hands. At the age of three, the baby is already striving to help his mother: he throws the garbage into a container, sets the table, knows how to fasten buttons and zippers, brushes his teeth and walks to the pot under the supervision of adults.
Comprehension of the surrounding world
Of course, all these skills do not arise by themselves. Everything that a child can do, he learns from adults. And it would be a mistake to think that the kid learns everything himself. He just carefully observes adults, and finds out what these or those objects are for. For a child, adults are a role model, skillfully handling completely different things.
It is important for a crumb that he is not only shown how and what to do, but also helped to figure it out, encouraging and praising for success.
At this age, children still have poorly developed fine motor skills and coordination, so he overturns the dishes, gets dirty. And you don't need to be angry about it. Better to tenderly cheer up the baby, saying that next time everything will definitely work out.
There are times when a child knows how to do a lot on his own, but does not want to. In order to understand the reason, you need to find out what exactly makes him behave this way. Maybe the clothes they gave him don't like, or he is tired, or maybe he is just trying to attract attention to himself. But you can't force a child to do something. So even more you can discourage the desire for independence.
You need to constantly talk with the baby, show the purpose of various objects, explaining your actions. For example, wanting to teach a child to brush his teeth, a mother should recite each action: “We take a brush, squeeze the paste onto it, and gently rub three teeth with it. Right. We rinse our mouth and brush and dry ourselves with a towel. Good girl! In the same way, other actions are commented on, and many times so that the child will remember them.
We do the cleaning
Before starting cleaning, you need to determine the territory in which the child will be the owner. A separate room is suitable for this. It is necessary to explain to the kid that toys should be in the children's room, and not lying around the whole apartment. But you need to ask to remove the toys kindly, or better, in a playful way. Parents should, at first, do the cleaning of toys with their child, while always saying where to put which toy. And be sure to praise for the correct repetition of their actions. Very soon, the child will be cleaning and arranging all their toys on their own without unnecessary reminders. You can turn cleaning into a ritual by driving all the cars into the "garage" before going to bed and putting all the bears to bed. It is important to indicate the need for cleaning so that the child knows that in an uncleaned room, parents will not read him fairy tales or draw with him. Again, this should not be required in an ultimatum, otherwise the child will decide that parental love needs to be earned.
Most often, to calm their nervous system, many moms and dads prefer to clean toys themselves. This cannot be done, because this behavior gives the child a reason to resist and resist at the next request for cleaning.
We eat ourselves
If the child already knows how to hold a spoon, it's time to teach him to use it regularly. Of course, he won't be able to eat it right away. He will get dirty, turn the spoon over without reaching his mouth. You should not worry and be nervous about this. You need to be patient, and tie an apron or bib for the baby.
So that the child does not remain hungry after such a feeding, the mother must help him, but for this, use a separate, second spoon. And the kid needs to be told how smart he is and how good he is. It is important not to scold the child for mistakes, and to be serious about how he eats, and then he will learn very quickly.
On the pot
In order to teach a child to go to the potty, you need to take care of the potty itself first. You should choose a comfortable pot that will not look like a toy, otherwise the child will be distracted from the main business and indulge in sitting on it.
The addiction will occur gradually, so you need to try to put the baby on the pot in time, as soon as it is required. But this cannot be done by force, otherwise the child will begin to associate the pot with something bad and it will be very difficult to teach him.
Some kids sit on the potty for a while, and then get up and pee near it. Don't be angry. The child simply does not yet understand what is required of him.
Every time you find wet pants, be sure to explain to the baby that you need to write in the pot. While showing your child how to use the potty correctly, comment: “Let's pay attention to the panties, panties. We sit on the pot and write. We get up, get dressed. What a fine fellow you are! And when he understands what they want from him, he himself will, if necessary, sit in the pot or talk about it to his mother. Already at the age of three, a child can be toilet trained using a special child seat.
Getting dressed
Parents should show their toddler how to dress properly. In this case, you need to pronounce the entire sequence and be sure to praise for the correct actions.
It is important to pay more attention to this initially, because retraining will be much more difficult.
To start learning, choose things that the baby loves, so he will enjoy the process.
It should be borne in mind that dressing will take quite a long time, so if you are in a hurry, then it is better to dress your child yourself. Otherwise, by urging and hurrying, you ruin his and your mood. You need to learn to dress slowly, in a relaxed atmosphere, while helping and guiding the child.
The most important thing for parents to understand is that any training should be carried out consistently, trying not to go too far and give up. Then you will gradually achieve good results together.