Does A Child's Success Depend On How The Parents Talk To Him?

Does A Child's Success Depend On How The Parents Talk To Him?
Does A Child's Success Depend On How The Parents Talk To Him?

Experts argue that the degree of future success of children is predetermined by parenting conversations. In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, many moms and dads do not attach importance to simple conversations with a child. Rejecting formal phrases, parents continue to work, and children spend their days alone with their own thoughts, which are not expressed in family dialogues.

Does a child's success depend on how the parents talk to him?
Does a child's success depend on how the parents talk to him?

What and how to talk about?

Of course, everyone in the family communicates with each other. The only question is how long the communication takes, whether the dialogue is complete. Psychologists, whose professional activities are in the field of childhood and adolescence, consider two types of communication in the family between parents and their child. Phrases pronounced in an imperative tone characterize the business style of speech behavior in conversations with children. By limiting themselves to such communication, restrained and stingy with the emotions of moms and dads hinder the cognitive development of children. The child comprehends the richness of the language through the built-up dialogue of the full-fledged participants in communication.

Parents should avoid simplifying speech and minimizing vocabulary. It is this kind of communication that will form the child's linguistic competence. Exceptionally functional communication with children limits speech and has a detrimental effect on future studies: there is not a sufficient stock of words to express thoughts, the ability to build a dialogue is not formed. Children whose parents are sociable and tuned in to maximize knowledge of their child do not overcome such psychological and linguistic barriers.

We discuss what is happening

A child who receives quality communication from their parents has certain advantages over their peers. Confidential and sympathetic conversations give confidence to children, develop faith in the power of family values. A child who is interesting to parents and is not limited in communication with loved ones is harmonious and successful. Ten years ago, scientists and psychologists conducted an experiment where mothers talked to their children about a variety of life events.

It was supposed to build the conversation so that the emphasis in the adult's question was placed on a specific object or subject. The findings confirmed the quality of these dialogues. In addition to developing memory, actualizing events, the child used a variety of memorization strategies in conversation. The emotional bond between family members is enhanced through warm communication. It is in this way that a built-in dialogue helps the child to accept the values of adults, to be confident in the correctness of his elders from the circle of close people.
