Does Fate Depend On Beauty

Does Fate Depend On Beauty
Does Fate Depend On Beauty

A person's appearance plays an important role in his personality. Manners, clothes, behavior, neatness are the first things they pay attention to when meeting. Natural data also affect the fate of the individual. Whether or not he is handsome by generally accepted standards can contribute to the way a person's life turns out.

Beautiful people are lonely
Beautiful people are lonely

Childhood and youth

The beauty of a person or its absence affects a person already in childhood. It can be easier for a pretty child to make friends and succeed in a company. Teenagers pay attention to the flaws in their appearance, and an ugly person can be made an outcast because of this.

Oddly enough, the lack of beauty in its generally accepted sense can play a positive role in how the fate of a person develops. The less attractive individual makes more efforts to be liked and succeed. From childhood he begins to understand that nothing goes into his hands just like that. Such children sometimes learn better, develop their talents, improve their communication skills.

A handsome teenager may be conceited and not consider it necessary to work on himself and study.

Of course, everything is relative. It happens, for example, that a handsome person becomes withdrawn and unpopular, while his less handsome peer easily becomes the soul of the company thanks to his natural charm. But sometimes children and adolescents consider beauty to be one of the main criteria when choosing authority among their peers.

Social acceptance

It happens that a person who did not shine with beauty in kindergarten and school manifests himself in some other areas. It turns out that his ugliness contributes to success in creativity and deeds, hardens character and teaches to correctly prioritize.

Beauty can even become an obstacle to the acceptance of a person in society. Some adults dislike overly attractive people. Written beauties and handsome men are less often hired for good work, sometimes they are envied and biased.

In addition, people with perfect looks are sometimes suspected of having a limited mind.

People who are not at all attractive in appearance also do not cause adoration at first sight. But in the future it will be easier for them to win over the team due to their personal qualities. Communicating with them, people no longer see any flaws in appearance, but only notice the ability to be friends and love, commitment, responsibility, kindness, cheerful disposition or other positive qualities.

It is much easier to live with moderately nice people. They can win over people, both of one and the other sex. Such individuals do not cause much envy, do not irritate rivals and rivals with ideal facial features or a stunning figure. It is such people, nice and nice, who are loved by colleagues and friends at any age.

Personal life

Oddly enough, beautiful people sometimes have a serious personal life that does not go well. Next to them, those whom nature has not endowed so generously can feel their own inferiority. For some reason, some people believe that since many people like a handsome person, he has more temptations, which means that it will be difficult for him to remain faithful to his partner. Few people can live in constant self-doubt and fear of losing their spouse.

At the same time, frankly ugly people have a very difficult time finding a soul mate. Sometimes, in order to win the favor of a person he likes, an individual, deprived of a gorgeous appearance, calls for help with all his charm, ability to present himself, dress stylishly, and be an interesting interlocutor. Of course, this contributes to personal growth, but such efforts do not always achieve the goal.

Just nice, nice people who will seem not very attractive to one person, but will kindle passion in the heart of another at first sight, get more chances to be happy in love. It turns out that the golden mean in this matter remains the best option.
