Many women dream of being beautiful. It seems to them that beauty is the guarantor of happiness. But, unfortunately, life shows that one cannot be happy with beauty. Beautiful women are not only not happier, but often, on the contrary, are less happy than girls who do not differ in bright appearance.

What kind of troubles often await beautiful women?
Loneliness is paradoxical, but many beautiful women are very lonely. It would seem that crowds of fans and people who want to communicate with them should be spinning next to them. But quite often, beauty scares men away. Men are afraid to approach a beautiful woman and talk to her, preferring to approach a less flamboyant girl, without fear that she will refuse. Also, many men simply do not think that a beautiful woman sitting at the next table can be lonely. Indeed, in their opinion, beautiful women cannot but have a boyfriend or groom. All this leads to the fact that the woman at the next table remains alone. Loneliness often accompanies beauty.
Insincere love - the fear of all beautiful women is that they are next to them only because of their beauty. Many, seeing the beautiful cover, do not even try to figure out what is inside. External beauty is enough for them. But beauty sooner or later leaves. And the woman understands that along with her beauty, the love for her on the part of her beloved man is gone.
Envy - many beautiful women all their lives are faced with such an unpleasant feeling from others as envy. Typically, envy comes from less flamboyant women. Feelings of envy can push a person into very rash and cruel acts. So, for example, very often there were cases when the winners of beauty contests were doused with acid in order to take away their beauty from them.
Lack of True Friendship - It is very difficult for beautiful women to find a true loyal friend. Since a less cute friend is more likely to feel envy. And between two beautiful girlfriends, there will most likely be a constant sense of rivalry. A male friend is also not a good option. Since it is highly likely that sooner or later he may have far from friendly feelings. All this leads to the fact that often beautiful women do not have a person to whom they could turn for help in case of life's adversity. And as you know, happiness is impossible without loved ones.
How can beauty help?
Beauty can still serve well. This can be confirmed by an interesting experiment conducted in America. The experiment consisted in the fact that in front of women and men of different ages were exposed photographs of people of varying degrees of attractiveness. The subjects had to characterize the inner world of the people in the photograph, starting from their appearance. As a result, people with good looks were unanimously rated as sincere, happy, confident, kind and sophisticated. This proves that beautiful women, even before they meet, evoke positive emotions in people. But as mentioned above, this is not a guarantee of happiness in the future.