How To Teach A Teenager To Clean His Room

How To Teach A Teenager To Clean His Room
How To Teach A Teenager To Clean His Room

Every good housewife dreams of order in the house. However, often not all family members are ready to maintain cleanliness. There are unwashed dishes in the sink, scattered things everywhere, traces of dirty shoes on the floor. Usually children and adolescents do this. It takes a lot of effort to accustom your child to order. And if educational measures have not yet brought results, it is necessary to change tactics.

How to teach a teenager to clean his room
How to teach a teenager to clean his room

Scandals and threats usually don't help. On the contrary, a teenager under the influence of any violence, physical or psychological, becomes aggressive and withdrawn. If a conflict is ripe, try to act tactfully and gently. A child should not be humiliated, especially in public.

Show your love of order by example

You can teach a teenager to clean his room only by personal example. If you yourself rarely pay attention to cleanliness in the house: you put off washing dishes for later, store dirty clothes, you should not expect other behavior from your child.

When accustoming a child to order, it is necessary to constantly draw his attention to how pleasant it is to be clean, when everything shines and smells fresh. Show respect. If you need help, don't order, but ask in a calm tone. Better yet, inform your daughter or son about the upcoming cleaning in advance. This tactic will help avoid another scandal.

Find a compromise

Usually, children are not afraid of the very fact of cleaning, but the amount of time and effort that will be required to spend on it. Therefore, explain to your child that the clutter in the room can be eliminated in stages. For example, today put your things in their places, and tomorrow do a wet cleaning.

If it is still difficult for a child to keep order in his room, let him do one type of work. For example, she washes dishes after herself, makes the bed, folds up school supplies. Further, it will be possible to involve the child in other responsibilities.

In order for your child to have a desire to keep his room in order, bring it to perfect cleanliness yourself. Perhaps a teenager will understand that it is more pleasant to be among neatly arranged things than among a mess, and will begin to clean up on his own territory.

Get closer

A heart-to-heart conversation can help change the situation. Tell your child how you feel, how worried about the current state of affairs. Tell them that you are tired of tripping over things scattered on the floor every time. Also explain that cleaning is necessary not only for yourself, but also for the sake of other family members.

A good effect can be achieved by hiding things that a teenager often uses. It could be your daughter's lipstick or your son's favorite jersey. An agonizing search will teach you how to put your things in place in the future.

Very soon, your teen will start to make progress. Then do not skimp on praise, but do not overdo it. Few people like flattery.

You are required to be patient and wait for your child to come to his senses and understand that cleanliness and order in the room are very important. And this moment will definitely come. Your efforts will be rewarded and will return handsomely.
