Many parents ask themselves the question: when to accustom a child to household chores, thereby instilling in him a love of hard work, order and accuracy? Many psychologists argue that it is best to start at a very early age.

Small children do not even need to ask, they themselves offer to help their mother - to wash the dishes or dust. But often parents refuse help, justifying this with many reasons: they will not cope, they will do it poorly. And someone is afraid to deprive the child of a cheerful childhood. If you follow this style of behavior, in the future you should not be surprised that a child ignores cleaning and other duties, because he is used to the fact that the parents will do everything themselves.
What can a child do around the house, depending on age
Even a two-year-old kid can help parents by performing simple tasks: picking up a toy from the floor, handing in a book or magazine, and bringing a wallet to dad. You shouldn't expect any productivity, but even such simple tasks will help to develop a desire to help around the house.
Children 3-4 years old are already able to help their mother in setting the table. Of course, it is better not to give the baby breakable dishes, but he will be able to lay out forks, spoons, napkins. Under the supervision of the mother, children can put on or take off their clothes. It is also necessary to tell that cars, dolls, cubes have their own place where they need to be removed after games.
The child will be easier to relate to the fulfillment of their duties if there is a positive example in front of him. Parents should show their child to do housework themselves.
A preschooler aged 5 to 6 years is able to perform the following household chores:
- collect toys;
- put your clothes back in place;
- to make and spread the bed;
- if there are younger brothers or sisters, he can look after the kids to the best of his ability (but not under duress!);
- water the flowers;
- feed, comb pets (cat or dog);
- help mom to sort out purchases.
At 7-9 years old, a student is able to:
- prepare simple meals (pour milk over muesli or make a sandwich), reheat food in the microwave;
- help in the garden in the summer (if there is a possibility of going to the dacha, to the village);
- fill out a diary without reminding parents, collect a portfolio for school;
- vacuuming the apartment;
- wash the dishes after themselves.

Tips for parents on how to teach a child to order
1) Clean the apartment together with the children.
Adults should not refuse to help children around the house. You can, for example, ask to set the table or cut a salad.
2) Communicate with your child while cleaning.
At an early age, cleaning up toys can be a fun adventure.
3) Praise your help.
Remember to motivate your child to do household chores. For example, you can say: "Only you will do this job really well!" Never pay money for completing any task, the best reward will be the words that the child is the most hardworking and responsible (but there is no need to over-praise).
4) Don't punish with work.
Parents make a big mistake when they punish a child with work. Doing household chores by him should not be within the framework of punishment for any act. The child should understand that it is his responsibility to wash the dishes, make the bed and help the grandmother in the country.
Parents should be motivated to do household chores from an early age. It is not so difficult to accustom a child if you become a good example for him in this matter. Children always love it when mom spends time with them, which means that any homework can be turned into an interesting game.

When to accustom the child to household chores, it is up to mom and dad to decide, but it is best to do it as early as possible.