Whether To Prohibit The Child From The Computer

Whether To Prohibit The Child From The Computer
Whether To Prohibit The Child From The Computer

Total informatization has long captured both adults and children. Both small and large have a computer, tablet, and other gadgets, often in the amount of several copies per person.

Even some guys prefer to do their lessons at the computer
Even some guys prefer to do their lessons at the computer

However, such processes taking place in society are a double-edged sword. Naturally, an incomparable plus is the general availability of information, which allows you to acquire new knowledge and skills without leaving your home. However, on the other hand, one should be careful about the doses in which children of preschool and primary school age "consume" computer resources.

Now children are from birth in a computerized environment. Mom and dad, brothers and sisters, and often grandparents are 90% in the computer space. Some parents rejoice at the success of their children, who deftly and skillfully press the keys of a computer or laptop at 3-4 years old, and at 7 years old they easily install computer games and play them.

However, children's computerization has another side of the coin, when a child begins to live a virtual life, replacing real communication with virtual, real "live" friends with friends from social networks.

It is also not very good that adults often do not know what information a child gets from the Internet, since they do not control at all which resources he visits. This is the main danger of the Internet: irregular use of the computer and the Internet space. And the fact that constant sitting at the computer does not contribute to the harmonious development of a growing organism is beyond doubt.

In this regard, many modern psychologists started talking about the problem of children's dependence on the computer, when some guys in reality simply cannot tear themselves away from the car, spending all their free time behind it. Attempts to deprive them of their cherished toys often lead to tantrums, the child tries to manipulate adults with tears. Parents as adults and serious people in this case should interest the child in something else, for example, play with him or read a book, and not follow the lead of a spoiled child. After all, children often become hostages of the computer when their parents turn into voluntary or forced slaves, who are captive for days by their own affairs and problems. Therefore, it is necessary to spend free time with your own children.

Setting a password is a good option for limiting the "communication" between the child and the computer. Then the parents will know for sure that in their absence the child will not approach the computer, but will begin to study.

Thus, the time spent by the child at the computer must be clearly regulated by the parents.
