People who have been married for some time notice that feelings for each other gradually cool down, the relationship has lost its former brightness. And now the hour is not far off when the spouse will look to the side. It's time to take decisive measures to save the family. This does not mean that you need to become a shadow of your husband, exhausting him with constant suspicions and interrogations. You can get out of this difficult life situation if you try to take several steps towards each other.
Step 1
Take care of yourself. An outwardly attractive and well-groomed woman will never leave her husband indifferent. Change something in your appearance from time to time, watch your figure and skin condition. Go to the gym and dietitian's office. Try to be always interesting for your husband. After all, true beauty is not a gift from nature, but the result of daily work.

Step 2
Spend time together. A joint vacation somewhere by the sea will make you feel like one again. If your vacation does not work, then at least on a day off, devote yourself to each other. Children will be happy to spend this day under the care of their grandmothers. And you - forget about all matters, turn off the phone and imagine that your acquaintance with your husband has just taken place. Remember how you wanted to make the best impression on him? Why not repeat it?

Step 3
Talk about sex. Of course, it's not easy to start doing this, if previously the topic of sex was taboo. Try to understand what you want from your husband in bed and tell him about it. Do not criticize or blame indifference. He might simply not have guessed about your desires. Phrases "I would like you to …." or "I really like it when you …" will help build the conversation in the right direction.

Step 4
Analyze your fantasies together. What do emotions look like in your imagination? Perhaps you represent exquisite tenderness, or perhaps a stormy passion? This will help your couple overcome their sexual boredom. After all, your fantasies can be realized. You just have to listen to your partner's wishes.

Step 5
Decide to experiment. Boredom in bed is caused by your sex being predictable. You have been using the same techniques over the years. Try changing something small, like leaving the lights on. Soon there will be a desire to take more active steps towards change. Alternatively, these can be toys from a sex shop that will diversify your sex life. Or, you can occasionally take the lead in bed. Offer your husband a new sex position. He will surely like this approach and he will not have a reason to look for vivid sensations on the side. In any case, the mutual pleasure delivered will help refresh and strengthen your relationship.