A romantic man is very rare. However, romance can be learned and the learning process does not take too long. Often in marriage, spouses make the mistake of thinking something like this: "He needs to know what I want." Even though the partners have gotten to know each other well enough, this does not mean that they can read minds. And if a wife wants her husband to become more romantic, it's time to teach him this.

Step 1
Tell your spouse what you want. Be specific in your desires: where you want to go, what item to get, how to spend your time. Be clear about your needs. Perhaps you are dreaming of a romantic trip and your husband is buying jewelry for you. Learn to talk to your spouse.
Step 2
Give him hints. Mention things that you find romantic so that he has an idea of what romance is. What could be easier than to drop during a joint viewing of a film: "It's so nice when a man gives flowers for no reason."
Step 3
Hang up a calendar and mark all important dates and days on it. Nothing destroys the romantic mood more than a forgotten wedding anniversary or birthday, the more men tend to completely forget about such things.
Step 4
Lead by example. Do for your husband what you want to get yourself, or what he has long dreamed of. Create a romantic aura and show him by your own example how you can beautifully take care of your loved one.
Step 5
Be grateful. Always say thank you and praise your spouse if he knows your needs. Encourage him to follow up with romantic gestures and actions, showing how much it means to you.