What To Read To Schoolchildren About Cruelty To Animals?

What To Read To Schoolchildren About Cruelty To Animals?
What To Read To Schoolchildren About Cruelty To Animals?

Reading is slowly but surely leaving the modern person. Family reading also fades into the background due to the lack of free time from parents. But I want so badly that the need for reading does not disappear. The literature is full of examples and is ready to give the child information about everything.

What to read to schoolchildren about cruelty to animals?
What to read to schoolchildren about cruelty to animals?

Do not bring up cruelty

Cruelty towards the weak is a low manifestation of a person's feelings. How to relate to this phenomenon? How to teach a child to be kind and compassionate? Such questions arise from parents who want to bring up a full-fledged personality. The right way is to show by personal example, but you can also read short stories on this topic.



Kuprin Alexander Ivanovich has a story "Emerald". Everything that happens is seen through the eyes of a horse. Emerald is a thoroughbred racing stallion. He participates in hippodrome races, takes prizes. A stallion lives in a stable near the hippodrome. He and other horses are looked after by grooms. The stallion observes the world around him. He has his own opinion about the people around him, about the stallions and mares standing nearby.

Emerald likes his life, he likes people. He is friendly towards them. I like walks, races and the feelings that he experiences at hippodrome competitions. He is eager to win, he likes to be the first. He is well built and obedient. Sensitively listens to the desires of the rider.

And now the next and, it turns out, the last races of the Emerald. The author beautifully describes the stallion's feelings upon arrival. His joy that he came to the finish line first. But the feelings and cries of people were not clear to him. Many did not rejoice at his victory, but shouted angrily that the horse was a dummy, that they were being deceived.

After the races, he was taken to the stable and no longer taken out for walks. Only strangers walked around and looked at him from head to foot, then they were taken to an unfamiliar remote village. The emerald understood only one thing, that it was hidden for some reason. He remembered his beloved stable, grooms and horses, yearned for races, for fast running.

It all ended very sadly. The emerald was no longer needed by the man who took it away, and he poisoned it with oats.

He killed my dog

People face cruelty throughout their lives. This is the first time a child has had this collision, and he does not know how to relate to this and how to react to the actions of cruel people.

Children's writer Yakovlev Yuri Yakovlevich created many stories. One of them "He Killed My Dog" is about a teenage boy Taborka. He picked up the dog abandoned by the owners and brought it home. Mom did not mind and allowed to leave the dog. The father returned and drove the dog out.

Taborka fell in love with the dog very much, she became a friend to him. He could not part with her, because he understood that she had already been abandoned once. He could not act as cruelly as her former owners. Taborka could not understand how the dog interfered with his father. He decided to take her to school with him. She sat quietly under the desk until the teacher noticed her.


The teacher drove Taborka out of the classroom with the dog. On the way, the dog playfully grabbed a passerby woman by the coat and tore it. The taborka with the dog was taken to the police, but released two hours later. The boy was called to the headmaster. Taborka told the school principal about his misadventures. In the end, the boy said that his father had killed his dog. The father called the trusting dog and shot him in the ear. Taborka could not understand in any way why his father acted so cruelly with his dog. He did not get along with his father and hardly spoke to him. In a conversation, the director tried to convince Taborka to establish good relations, but the boy could not forgive his father for killing a defenseless creature. He hated him and lost faith in good. He told the director that he would grow up and protect the dogs.

Taborka will forever remember that there are heartless people like his father. They think they are strong and can offend the weak.


Shorn Devil


Sometimes cruelty becomes inevitable and you have to do what is ordered. This happened to the border guard in the story of Y. Yakovlev, "The Shorn Devil", who took an old service dog to sleep. I met a teenage boy who started asking him about the dog. The boy tried to understand why she was no longer needed and why people act so cruelly and unfairly.

The border guard said that he worked with the dog for two years, that it is smart and affectionate. She is a real service dog that even knows how to climb rocks. She began to hear poorly, her fangs were worn out, and she was found unfit for further service. The border guard said that he was following the order of the outpost commander and could not disobey. He must bring a certificate that he put the dog to sleep.

The boy listened anxiously to the border guard. He did not understand why it was necessary to euthanize the dog, which had guarded the border for so many years, was devoted to his work, was wounded more than once in battle. Why is she no longer needed? He became afraid of injustice and powerlessness. He understood that the border guard could do nothing to change the fate of the dog. This is the order. The boy followed and cried from his own impotence and from the impotence of the border guard, who was leading his faithful friend to death.

The teenager began to beg him to give him the dog. He said he would take care of her. The boy said that if they didn't give him the dog, he would throw himself off the cliff. The border guard tried to explain that he could not fail to comply with the commander's order, that he still had to go to the veterinarian and take a certificate.

The veterinarian understood everything and also took pity on the dog, wanted to keep it with him. He doubted that the boy would be able to take good care of the dog. But the boy assured that he would not give her offense and that his mother would let her. So the dog was saved. The hero of the story will forever remember this day.

Three such short stories can teach you a lot. They will help you understand what compassion and mercy are. How important it is to show these feelings and help those in need.
