Childhood Cruelty: Who Is To Blame And What To Do

Childhood Cruelty: Who Is To Blame And What To Do
Childhood Cruelty: Who Is To Blame And What To Do

Cruelty is characteristic of people, for millions of years it was necessary for the survival and strengthening of the species. The legacy of primitive ancestors sometimes makes itself felt, especially such behavior is characteristic of children. Only upbringing and a constant role model enables the child to subdue and control his aggressive feelings and instincts.

Childhood cruelty: who is to blame and what to do
Childhood cruelty: who is to blame and what to do

Adults can restrain their emotions, but children do not yet know how to do this. Some manifestation of cruelty is characteristic of all children, this is a certain stage of growing up. Unconscious childish cruelty wears off over time. But when a teenager deliberately hurts another person, this is already a reason for worrying and taking educational measures. The most common cause of child abuse is that of important adults. In front of the child's eyes, the older brother kicked the cat, the father swore at the opponent on the road, the mother disapproved of the neighbors, the parents sort things out with the help of assault. It is common for a small child to repeat the actions of adults. The problem of child abuse does not exist in families where relationships are based on love and mutual respect. When parents devote a lot of time to communication with the baby, answer his questions, they show an example of a benevolent attitude and the child is unlikely to have a desire to behave differently. Children living in dysfunctional families, orphanages, boarding schools are often subject to the aggressive influence of their elders. A child, deprived of parental affection, grows up as a cub, he does not even suspect how to behave differently. He has never seen sympathy, and therefore cannot sympathize with others. Television and the Internet are full of negative information that encourages violence. Shooting games of all kinds induce indifference to the suffering of others. Under the influence of these factors, feelings are dulled, strength becomes the norm for solving problems. It is almost unrealistic to completely protect children from these sources of harmful information, rarely does anyone manage to control a child constantly. In order not to have to follow the child, it is much more effective from an early age to educate in him the ability to take responsibility for his actions, soberly evaluate them. Such upbringing should be provided by parents, school, books, cinema, as well as the ideology of the state. Another reason for childish aggressiveness is permissiveness. Blind love for a child often prevents parents from correctly assessing his actions. They take his side in any situation, strengthening the child in the idea of impunity. This position leads to the fact that the teenager is completely out of control and becomes dangerous for the parents themselves. Cruelty can also appear due to mental pathologies. In this case, you can get rid of destructive aggression only with the help of a specialist. The main goal of parents is to help the baby become more human. It should not be forgotten that aggressive behavior is a natural and simplest response to irritating factors. Therefore, we must not eradicate "wild" impulses, but try to teach the child to cope with them, transforming aggressiveness into more acceptable feelings. For this, first of all, it is necessary to master the concept of the value of human life. Surround the child with love and attention, instill moral values by personal example, do not allow physical punishment. Correctly control your child's social circle, his interests, what he watches and reads. Write it down in the sports section, where the child will be able to give out energy and get the opportunity to peacefully assert himself.
