What Are The Symptoms Of Chronic Fatigue In Schoolchildren

What Are The Symptoms Of Chronic Fatigue In Schoolchildren
What Are The Symptoms Of Chronic Fatigue In Schoolchildren

Schoolchildren have reached the third quarter, the longest and most difficult in the entire academic year. It is at this time that many guys experience symptoms of chronic fatigue. Did you think that this happens only in adults? Nothing like this! What should be on the alert for parents?

Symptoms of chronic fatigue in schoolchildren
Symptoms of chronic fatigue in schoolchildren

You notice that the child has begun to eat less, or, conversely, is chewing something all the time, eats a lot of sweets. Pay attention to this.

  • Bad habits have appeared or worsened: picking your nose, biting nails or pencils, scratching your head and so on.
  • The child's immunity decreased, he began to get sick more often, complain of headaches.
  • The child does not remember school material well, forgets about his affairs and responsibilities.
  • He became capricious, irritability and tearfulness appeared in his behavior.
  • Outwardly, the student looks tired, tired, which is noticeable already in the morning. He is pale, lethargic, his hair is dull, his eyes are extinct.
  • The child cannot fall asleep for a long time, even if he is tired. Or, on the contrary, he sleeps too much, often falls asleep in the wrong place.

How can you help your child?

Allow your student to stay home sometimes during the week and get some rest. Better do it on Thursday - usually on this day, children are most tired.

As a rule, a medical certificate will not be required at school for one day of admission. An explanatory note from mom will be enough.

In the child's day regimen, there must be regular walks in the fresh air and physical activity (outdoor games, a sports section, a dance club, and so on). But you should not overload the student with additional activities, especially if he himself does not want to. Studying in a regular school plus music, or frequent visits to the sports section can be an overwhelming burden for some children.

We choose circles and sections for children correctly: look for a school and additional activities closer to home: the road tires the child more than the classes themselves.

Children should definitely have free time when they do whatever they want. The child should rest on Saturday and Sunday. He should have friends: boyish hikes and girlish gatherings allow children to maintain peace of mind.

Remember the balanced nutrition of the student. Include vegetables, lean meat and fish, nuts and eggs, fruits or freshly squeezed juices, dairy products with a short shelf life in his diet more often. Give legumes to children more often - they are very useful, read about it at the link. But it is better to refuse sweets, at least for now - they reduce immunity.

You should not discuss his current state with a child, this can scare and discourage him, push him to the idea of using his state to manipulate you. Just be attentive, sympathetic and kind to him, as if nothing is happening.
