Knowing how to properly caress the clitoris is important not only for men, but also for women. Often, ladies, not interested in the peculiarities of their bodies, wonder why a man cannot make them happy with an orgasm. Only after understanding yourself, you can tell your partner how to do it.

A little about the clitoris
Not everyone knows about this, but the head of the clitoris contains a huge number of nerve endings, and there are an order of magnitude more of them than in the head of the penis. It is the most sensitive organ in a woman's body. Since it is covered with a mucous membrane, it needs special tenderness. That is why caress the clitoris with caution, avoiding overly sharp or vigorous movements.
What not to do
Never try to caress your clitoris with dry fingers or dry tongue. Lubrication is necessary, without it touching will be unpleasant, if not painful. It may be best not to touch your clitoris with your fingers, especially if the skin is rather rough. Instead, try touching through the clitoral hood, which is the fabric that naturally covers this bump.
Do not try to press hard or squeeze the clitoris. The sensitivity of the clitoris is so high that it will be very painful!
Clit caress technique
You should start with a foreplay. To do this, place your palm on the woman's genitals, then, lightly stroking them, caress the labia and perineum.
You should not proceed directly to the caresses of the clitoris without any foreplay. You should do this when the girl is already horny and a little lubricant has come out.
After that, you can proceed to the main action, having found the right place. The clitoris is located at the very base of the labia majora. If during the caress with your tongue you lose it, the girl herself will help find it by moving her hips.
Try to move your tongue around first, stroking the clitoral hood, not forgetting to lubricate. Then you can start a gentle rotational movement, carefully moving closer and closer. Act very gently, this is not the place to lash out passionately. Try to feel your partner by making gentle, subtle and very light touches. This is a very sensual caress, and you will quickly guess from the girl's reaction what she is feeling. The ability to caress a girl's clitoris is primarily associated not with your sexual technique, but with how you feel your partner.
According to research, about 30% of women themselves do not know how to fondle the clitoris.
If you are experimenting with fondling the clitoris yourself, the rules are very similar. Don't try to immediately orgasm by heading straight for your goal. Think of something nice to get a little horny even before you point your fingers towards your clitoris. For many women, the nipples are an erogenous zone that can be stimulated on their own in order to achieve the desired stage of arousal. Remember also about lubrication, your finger should be wet. For those who do not feel confident in themselves, it is advisable to find a video that explains in detail what to do.