At all times, women invariably face the fact that beautiful courtship, endless declarations of love and all kinds of tenderness sooner or later come to naught. The chosen one begins to look "to the side", mutual understanding, the desire to be together, and love itself disappear somewhere. Unfortunately, a universal remedy for male impermanence has not yet been invented. But the feminine quirky mind nevertheless brought out certain provisions aimed at fondling a man, making him feel needed and loved.

Step 1
Be tolerant of minor flaws. Within reasonable limits, of course. There is nothing worse than an infantile male likeness, okay sitting on your neck.
Step 2
Every man has his own toys. For them it is sacred. It can be a car, computer games, a bicycle, a gym, work - in general, anything that seriously interests him. If you study his priorities in detail, if you begin to suffer from these ailments along with him (or at least pretend to empathize), he will appreciate it in you. In the event that every time when it comes to his hobbies, you immediately cut him off or show with all your appearance that you are not interested in this, he will find one that will not be too lazy to build an interested grimace, and much faster than you can guess.
Step 3
Be weak, at least seem so. A man is usually a strong being. Even if you enter a burning hut at a gallop, still do not let him doubt his superiority over you. Every man is pleased that there is someone nearby who constantly needs his care and participation. Whether he will carry out the functions assigned to him is another question.
Step 4
Do not forget to show your own care in relation to your man. Just do not overdo it, otherwise you risk creating a self-centered monster with your own good intentions. Alternatively, you should consider the fact that he will grow tired of your fanatical cares and run away to a woman less manically attached to him.
Step 5
Don't stop stimulating his sexual desires. Remember - you love sex with your man. You love sex so that your man continues to be yours. If you harass him from time to time in the kitchen, in the bathroom, in the hallway, and even better - somewhere in a restaurant, in a movie or outdoors, this will allow you to preserve the harmony of relations for a long time.
Step 6
Be extremely gentle with him in bed, adjust to his desires, try to please him in every possible way. If you a priori do not have any kind of liking for sex, get ready for the fact that sooner or later he will get tired of waiting for a miracle from you and will go in search of him in Wonderland, where people like him are always welcome.