Cunnilingus is a form of oral sex in which the clitoris and vulva are stimulated through tongue fondling. In literal translation, the word cunnus is translated from Latin as female genitals, and the word lingo means "to lick."

Types of cunnilingus
There are several types of caresses, which in the modern world are called cunnilingus. The most common interpretation includes actions such as licking, sucking and kissing intimate organs. Sometimes light biting of the clitoris is also included here.
Different cunnilingus techniques involve variations. Sometimes these are movements of the tongue in the vagina, which simulate frictions, while you can additionally caress the available areas with your nose. In some cases, cunnilingus is accompanied by frictions performed with the fingers. There is also a rather exotic form of oral sex, when fondling is performed with the chin, but this is not to everyone's taste, since even a freshly shaved male chin is still a little prickly.
Sometimes erotic toys are used in cunnilingus to stimulate the rest of the erogenous zones more effectively than with just the hands or tongue.
How cunnilingus is done
Before you start, you should make sure that the woman is in a comfortable position. If she cannot relax properly, then she will not reach the stage of arousal necessary for orgasm. Best of all, if she lies on her back, you can also place a pillow under her thighs to make you more comfortable.
You should carefully "open" the external genitals with your hands so that the clitoris is in the air. It is best to start caressing with light and rapid touches of the tongue along the vulva. Slow and hard licking is not the most erotic caress, although you should try different options, as everyone feels it differently.
Gradually, you can begin to approach the clitoris area. Move your tongue around it, then you can start to touch it at times easily and quickly, and only then proceed directly to the caresses of this organ itself. You should not caress the clitoris continuously, otherwise the pleasure will quickly give way to irritation or even pain.
Often, cunnilingus comes down to stimulating the clitoris, as this is the most sensitive organ, but this process requires special tact. In the early stages, touching it can be painful, even if it is done very gently and with the tongue. In this case, it is better to start by licking the surrounding areas, gradually getting closer to the clitoris so that it has time to be aroused.
If you do not want your partner to have an orgasm too quickly, then do not forget to be distracted and pay attention to the erogenous zones around the clitoris. You can also caress everything you can reach with your hands. Cunnilingus is an excellent way of stimulation, in which you can get both a quick orgasm, and a slow one, and the second differs in depth and a wider range of sensations.
Signs that you are going overboard or starting something too early: Your partner involuntarily flinches and tries to move away from your mouth, as it were. In this case, caress should be made softer and easier, paying more attention to the vulva.