A man who ends up faster during sex than his partner often experiences anxiety or even shame about this, because he is not able to satisfy his beloved. The situation can be improved with a little trick.

Do not panic
Understand one simple thing for yourself - a healthy average man reaches orgasm within 3-5 minutes after the start of intercourse. So if friends or girls tell you stories of sex that lasted for hours, it's worth considering the credibility of those stories. In other words, do not bother yourself with the fact that you are not strong enough in bed or are somehow radically different from others.
Of course, premature ejaculation can be caused by some diseases, but if you fit within 5 minutes, you shouldn't worry too much. Your health is within normal limits. Another question is that five minutes is not enough for a woman to achieve orgasm. Hence, there are disagreements between partners, grievances, scandals and serious problems in relationships. Don't panic!
How to reduce arousal
If it is difficult for a man to restrain ejaculation, the reason is likely to be over-arousal. After abstaining from sex for a long time or in the case when the partner causes too much desire, the man, as a rule, ends quite quickly. Therefore, in order to prolong the pleasure for yourself and your partner, you should resort to means that reduce arousal. The first and simplest is the condom. By itself, it reduces stimulation, and if you also buy special condoms with an anesthetic, the sexual intercourse can be extended by 5-7 minutes. This time will be quite enough to bring a woman to the highest point of pleasure. And then it will be easier.
Another common way to reduce arousal is a slow pace. The faster you move in the process, the sooner orgasm comes, and slow, gradual movements can delay it slightly. If a man feels that he is about to finish, you can resort to the classic method of stopping - just stop contact for a while and give yourself a break for 20-30 seconds. This time can be spent on stimulating your partner or passionate kisses. This technique allows you to prolong the sexual intercourse.
The partner comes first
Actually, why does a man want to make sexual contact longer? To bring more pleasure to a woman. Try to approach the problem from the other side and bring your chosen one to a semi-fainting state even before the start of sex. Increase foreplay time, experiment both before and after sex. Remember that it is not only a series of reciprocating movements that can bring pleasure to a woman!