Deprivation of virginity is a natural process that almost every girl faces. However, sometimes this can happen out of stupidity, youth or against will. After such events, some ladies decide to restore the hymen with the help of hymenoplasty.

Hymenoplasty is the medical name for hymen repair surgery. During the first intercourse in a girl's life, as a rule, a natural obstacle protecting the entrance to the vagina is deformed. With the introduction of the penis and subsequent manipulations, the hymen is torn. Often this moment is accompanied by discomfort and bloody discharge.
The defloration process for each girl is different. The presence / absence of blood and pain depends on the individual physiological characteristics. This is typical for deprivation of virginity both before and after hymenoplasty.
The torn portions of the hymen remain in the vagina. In hymenoplasty, they are used as a "working" material. It is on the quantity and quality of deformed tissues that the effectiveness of the operation and the possibility of its implementation depend. The analysis of the situation is carried out by the gynecologist at the preoperative examination.
There are two types of hymenoplasty. The first operation is designed for short-term restoration of the hymen. The tissues are sewn together with a special surgical line in two layers, each of which is independent of the other. This provides a strong “baffle” and avoids the appearance of the threads.
Short-term hymenoplasty is done two days - a week before the planned sexual intercourse. After about 7-8 days, the material used for stitching the tissues begins to self-dissolve, as a result of which the hymen "diverges" on its own. If the deprivation of virginity occurs within 4 days after the operation, nodules and pieces of fishing line may come out on their own. It is worth noting that neither visually nor physically a man will be able to notice the artificially restored hymen.
Long-term hymenoplasty has no expiration date. In this operation, the surgeon does not just suture the remains of the hymen, but forms new folds using the vaginal mucosa. Virginity is very natural because tissues grow together again. After healing, the surgical nature of such a hymen cannot be determined even by a gynecologist.
Self-absorbable materials are also used for long-term surgery. All seams are made from the inside. Until complete healing (about a month), in this case, it is contraindicated to enter into an intimate relationship with penetration.
Hymenoplasty has no age restrictions. Also, for this operation, the presence / absence of a history of childbirth or abortion is not important.
In most clinics, both types of hymenoplasty are performed under local anesthesia. The anesthetic is applied simultaneously in two ways: first, the operated area is treated with a swab moistened with anesthetic, and then the agent is additionally administered with the help of injections. The duration of the operation does not depend on its type and is approximately 45 minutes - an hour. All this time, the girl is conscious.
The main contraindication for the restoration of the hymen with the help of hymenoplasty is the presence of an inflammatory process of the genitals or pelvic organs. Also, the operation cannot be performed for latent diseases of an intimate nature. To avoid subsequent problems, a girl needs to undergo a full examination by a gynecologist before hymenoplasty.