Psychologists characterize the concept of "sexual fears" as a fear of intimacy between women and men for one reason or another. It has been scientifically proven that sexual fears of both sexes differ markedly, as, in fact, the reasons for their occurrence differ.

The most common male fear of a sexual nature is associated with the fear of a complete fiasco in bed. Especially often this fear fetters young and insecure virgin guys. This is caused by the man's inexperience and his lack of confidence in his intimate powers. The second most popular male fear is the fear that his sexual partner will become pregnant. Here, in principle, everything is clear: a man does not want to take on the role of an unplanned father. Therefore, sometimes men, in an attempt to get rid of this fear, prefer to discuss the issue of contraception with their partners in advance.
Psychologists have proven that the complete indifference and constraint of a woman in bed scares many men in earnest. The fact is that in such situations, the vast majority of them feel like rapists. This lowers their libido.
Endless physical affection also scares men. Sexologists explain this by the fact that mostly men simply do not like foreplay and petting, trying to get right to the heart of the matter. The reason for this lies in the male instinct: since ancient times they are warriors and conquerors. Nature has decreed that males, taking possession of females, prefer to immediately have sexual intercourse with them. Experiments carried out between several young couples have shown that guys, as a rule, are not eager to engage in petting and other long-term body caresses with their partners. For women, on the other hand, hugs and kisses are important.
Women understandably have much more sexual fears than men. One of the most common female fears of an intimate nature is the fear of the large size of their own vagina. Basically, young girls who have not yet begun to have an active sex life are afraid of this: they believe that their bosom may be wider than usual. This fear is explained by the fact that men get the greatest sexual pleasure precisely from penetration into a narrow vagina. In principle, this problem can be solved: the muscles of the vagina can be independently trained (for example, with Kegel exercises), which will give them a certain elasticity. By the way, training the vaginal muscles has a positive effect on the so-called frigid women who experience low sensitivity during sex due to the decreased tone of their vaginal muscles.
The size of the vagina is an individual characteristic of each woman. For some it is narrower, for others it is wider. This is a completely natural phenomenon, therefore, sexologists do not advise to be afraid and worry about this problem.
Another significant female fear is the fear of their own abundant discharge, which is characteristic of women with a high hormonal background. The reason for this fear is due to the physiological characteristics of the body: abundant discharge reduces the friction of the male penis against the walls of the vagina, which, in turn, significantly dulls the sensations of both partners. Women understand that in this case only they will be to blame, therefore they are terribly afraid of such an embarrassment. However, do not get upset ahead of time: the abundance of such secretions in a woman directly indicates her strong sexual arousal, which, in turn, attracts a man even more.