Many women believe that a stamp in their passport means that they no longer need to do anything, the goal has been achieved. They are wrong. Marriage can be compared to a routine and sometimes even boring job. Many couples, at the very first problems, run to apply for divorce, forgetting that the family is a construction site and this construction must be started anew if problems arise.

Love and happiness, how to achieve them?
1. No need to try to remake your “half”. The character of a person is formed quite early. We were late anyway, why spoil our own nerves and those of our spouse? A wise woman will translate her spouse's shortcomings into the category of petty pranks that are so easy to forgive children.
2. We must not forget about the word "thank you". It will not cost you anything, and your loved one will be pleased.
3. You must always keep the brand. Even at home, you need to try to stay beautiful. Trampled slippers, curlers, and a robe have caused many cheating and ruined more marriages than cheating for other reasons.
4. Sex life is very important. A wise wife also becomes her husband's mistress. She will do everything so that her husband does not even think to look "to the left."
5. Find common interests. If they are not there, you need to create them. You must not be allowed to stop being interesting to each other. Photography, camping, movies, music, sports - these hobbies will unite more than the notorious stamp in the passport.
6. You cannot chop off the shoulder. Family conflicts are normal. But when they arise, you need to let your spouse express his point of view. Conflicts often arise simply due to misunderstandings.
7. Give yourself some freedom. You should not take on everything, become a draft horse. A drop of freedom will give you a break, and your family - joy, because the wife is happy - the husband and children are happy.
Psychological portrait of happy spouses
• both work;
• everyone has their own place of solitude, where no one will disturb him;
• wear wedding rings;
• live without strict rules in relation to each other;
• calmly discuss their problems.
Of course, this is just a rough formula for building a successful marriage. Each family has everything individually, but the most important thing is to love each other, be attentive to each other and always respect each other in everything.