Family life very often turns into a vicious circle "home - work - home". And the routine seizes, and everything is familiar to the gnashing of teeth, and everything is so boring … Although everything seems to be fine … How to make family life more diverse?

It is necessary
- Romantic letters
- Common hobby
- Family traditions
- Family values bank
- Small trips and adventures
- Surprises
Step 1
Remember, no one can solve your problems for you. If you want the relationship to remain as vivid and the feelings as strong as in the first days of the meeting, work on it. You will have to work hard.
Step 2
Any passion, even the strongest one, dies down over time. Relationships become calmer. Remember what feats you were ready for for the sake of your other half. Why not do it again now? Write the longest letter with declarations of love, perform a serenade under the balcony, start every morning with gentle kisses, and wish each other sweet dreams before going to bed.
Step 3
Do you feel that your family life has become predictable? Long live the surprise! Buy tickets for a celebrity concert, present a surprise gift, make renovations while your partner is away. But you never know what you can surprise!
Step 4
Let you have as much in common as possible, not only within the walls of your home, but also outside it. Have a common hobby! Try playing music together, sign up for Argentine tango courses, do yoga or diving. You will have no time to be bored.
Step 5
Travel! A real journey is not only an expensive tour to distant lands. It can be a trip to a neighboring city by train. Find out in advance what sights there are, book a hotel, plan a walking route. Or maybe you would prefer going out into the countryside with a tent and sitting around a night fire?
Step 6
Nothing strengthens a family like family traditions. If not, create. Involve your children and then your grandchildren. Maybe it will be an annual photo shoot against the backdrop of autumn foliage, or a New Year's celebration at the dacha by a living tree, or will you start creating a family tree of your family? There are a lot of options, the main thing is to start!
Step 7
Store memories. Create your own happy memories bank. Let it be a photo album in which you will paste photos of the most memorable moments. Be sure to design the pages together and with love. Or maybe you will start a box of family jewelry? It will contain a shell brought from a honeymoon trip, a tag from the hospital from your first child, the very first love note that you once wrote to each other. It's all yours … And looking through these treasures, you will forget that five minutes ago marriage seemed boring and monotonous to you.