More recently, the very question "Why does a man need a wife?" would seem ridiculous. And nowadays more and more men doubt whether it is worth entering into a legal marriage. Their logic is as follows: “I am an independent, well-to-do person, why do I need a wife. To keep the house in order, to have delicious food? So you can hire a housekeeper, learn how to cook yourself or eat in restaurants, cafes. Looking for a sexy partner? And for this, it is not necessary to get married. The main thing is that no one encroaches on my freedom. " And, in fact, why does a man need a wife?

Wife is a close friend and soul mate
A good wife is not only a good lover and a neat housewife. She is, first of all, a close friend with whom a man can always talk frankly on any, even the most painful topic, talk about his problems, what worries him, worries. But this is very important! Any person, even the most restrained, strong-willed, sometimes just needs to speak out, thereby gaining peace of mind.
A caring loving wife will always listen carefully, calm down, support in difficult times, perhaps correct somewhere. She will find the right words that will instill in her spouse the confidence that all these problems are only temporary, that everything will be in order. The wife can also provide helpful advice in almost any situation.
Even those men who laugh at women's intuition are forced to admit that many women hear an inner voice telling them what to do.
Finally, together it is easier to overcome any obstacle or wait out an unfavorable period. For example, my husband started having problems at work, and his earnings dropped sharply. Or he has temporarily become unemployed. Then, until he gets a job in a new place, the family can subsist on the income that the wife receives.
The wife is the mother of the husband's children
The procreation instinct is one of the strongest. Even many of those men who flaunt their independence and, like the hero of an old good movie, swear that "it is easier to take the Bronze Horseman to the registry office than me" secretly dream that they will have children - their flesh and blood, their bearers surnames and heirs. You can, of course, adopt someone else's child or use the services of a surrogate mother. But a child needs both parents, and they must feel love! He needs both paternal protection, care, coupled with reasonable exactingness, and maternal tenderness, affection.
Statistics convincingly show that many people who have not received maternal affection and warmth in childhood subsequently experience a number of serious problems, including mental disorders.
Therefore, it is better not to convince yourself that a modern man can do well without a wife, but to try to find that one and only woman next to whom you will want to spend your whole life. The girl next to whom the man will be calm, warm and comfortable.