Love … How many colors and overflows in this word, how many feelings and emotions, how much trepidation and anticipation! Love presupposes a relationship, and a relationship, as you know, cannot start without a date. It is about the first date that will be discussed.

Let's try to understand what is required directly from ourselves so that the first date does not turn into the last? Certainly sympathy. But, as practice shows, this is not enough. The date should be remembered, engraved in the memory for a lifetime, it should fall into the heart so that, regardless of how your relationship develops in the future, the memories of it warmed and caused nostalgia.
Firstly, it is necessary to think over the route in advance, if it will be a walk. Try to find out in advance what exactly interests your soul mate, what she likes, what she is fond of. It is advisable to arrange a multifaceted date that will include several activities. For example, a walk, a cinema (theater), an evening in a cafe (restaurant).
What to wear
Both women and men, of course, want to impress and look good and irresistible on the first date as never before. But you should remember about a sense of proportion. Girls should give preference to "proven" things. You should not wear high-heeled shoes if this gives you discomfort. this circumstance is not only unpleasant and painful, your thoughts will constantly be focused on the problem area, you will be distracted from the most important thing - from the date and your partner.
Men should carefully approach their outfit. Remember, clothes should be thoroughly washed and ironed, shoes should sparkle. No tracksuits or sneakers! Become a gallant gentleman for at least one day!
How to behave on a date
Be polite, try to establish eye contact when talking: for this you need to look into the eyes of the interlocutor. Don't interrupt. Ask questions, show interest. Say the name of your companion as often as possible.
However, here it is important not to overdo it: you should not pretend and eat chocolate ice cream if you prefer ice cream; you should not laugh at a joke if it doesn’t seem funny to you. In short, be yourself, behave naturally and at ease.
And most importantly, smile sincerely! Friendship begins with a smile - a fact! Good luck!