You are an ordinary guy, absolutely any age, you really like some girl, but she does not reciprocate. Do not get upset and think that you will continue to suffer from unrequited love!

Step 1
Girls are very gentle and inquisitive creatures! Forget the myth that girls love with their ears. In today's society, girls have become stronger and do not always believe in words alone. If you nevertheless decide to achieve it, then you need not only to speak beautifully, but also to confirm your words with actions! It is very important. Actually, no one canceled the logic, and therefore the signs of attention remain unchanged arguments in the process of conquering the girl: flowers, gifts (albeit small) will be very pleasant to her. But the most important thing is actions that play a decisive role in this process. You have to show her that you need her and you will stop at nothing.
Step 2
Sometimes do illogical things. For example, if you are nearby and she jokingly says that she wants a flower…. try to give it to her. Let it be plucked even from the city flower bed. You must understand her hints, which can be spoken as a joke. She will appreciate it!
Step 3
If the girl started paying attention to you, you can't stop there, you need to continue to be active and please your companion as often as possible. Sometimes you need to give in to her in something, but in no case should you become a rag! Don't forget, no matter how old you are, you are a man! Girls love the strong.