Bringing romance to life doesn't require significant resources. Just a little courage and imagination is enough, and the nascent relationship will reach a new level. A simple kiss in the movies can be the starting point for a more serious relationship.

It is necessary
- - tickets;
- - the envelope.
Step 1
Prepare the whole surprise in advance. Choose a time to go to the cinema so that there are not very many spectators in the hall. If you and your boyfriend have the time, this will be an afternoon session. Avoid major premieres that attract a large number of viewers, regardless of the time.
Step 2
Buy two tickets in advance for a light romantic movie. Since you cannot predict the number of spectators in a session, give preference to the last row, VIP area or separate seats. Put one ticket in an envelope with a note, in which write a few cute phrases of your choice. Ask the young man not to call you or ask you questions.
Step 3
Try to make sure that you come to the movies separately. Deliberately be a few minutes late, making sure your boyfriend has already taken his seat. Walk into the auditorium in the dark and sit next to the guy.
Step 4
Sit as close to the young person as possible during the session. Some time after the start of the movie, take his hand. Watch your boyfriend and his reaction to everything that happens. Choose a moment when no exciting scenes appear on the screen. Try to stare at him: for sure he will feel your gaze and will be distracted from the film. Pull the young man to you and kiss. If this was your first kiss, you are guaranteed a romantic and exciting atmosphere for the rest of the session.
Step 5
After the movie, do not discuss your kiss or explain anything. Significant glances and smiles will be enough to understand that your relationship has moved to a new level.