The desire to please is inherent in all. For many young people, the desire to conquer a girl they like seems to be a very difficult task. In fact, everything is not so difficult. How easy and quick to please a girl?

Exude Confidence
Most girls imagine their chosen one as brave and decisive, but confidence should not border on impudence. Try not to look away when talking to a girl. Feel free to show your best, but don't go overboard. Excessive false self-confidence, multiplied by a violent disposition, will only scare off a potential companion.
Smile and joke
Girls love men with a good sense of humor. Do not sprinkle with vulgar old anecdotes, be genuinely cheerful. To please a girl, you just need to cheer her up. Positive emotions are remembered for a long time and become the key to the success of the beginning relationship.
Take care of your appearance
Be neat and tidy. No matter how brilliantly you joke, bad breath will ruin the whole experience. Before trying to please a girl, stand in front of a mirror and assess yourself soberly. Correct the bugs and go!
Know how to surprise
Show your best side. Try to stand out from other fans fighting for your lady's attention. Showcase your best qualities. It doesn't matter whether it is erudition or romance, the ability to drive a motorcycle or the eightieth level in a popular computer game - show your best side.
Learn good manners
Contrary to the belief that good manners are outdated, girls are much more attracted to men who know how to behave. Be gallant, give a hand, open the doors of a car or shop, make sure that the girl is warm and comfortable with you. The chosen one will undoubtedly notice and appreciate it.
The main advice
To please a girl - be yourself! Do not fake or pretend, the lie will be revealed quickly. Try to make the girl love you for who you really are.