Getting to know a girl sometimes seems like an impossible mission, although in reality you just need to strike up a casual conversation. Finding the topic of such a conversation is quite simple. The main thing is not to try to be intrusive and not fuss.

The most important thing is to decide on the first step, start a conversation and not look stupid at the same time. The hackneyed phrases and techniques with the spread of the Internet no longer cause interest in girls and a violent response, therefore it is very important to learn how to easily and naturally conduct conversations on general topics. It is also very important to be able to joke funny.
Don't over complicate
To be able to start a conversation with a girl, you need to be aware of the news and social life. It is then very easy to make an appropriate and relevant remark in line, cafe or other public places, mentioning a celebrity, important events or breaking news. If a girl is in the subject, and you are interested in her, she will gladly answer your reply. It is already possible to build a conversation on this. You should not specifically memorize news, quotes, facts from the lives of a celebrity, you just need to broaden your horizons a little.
Do not be pretentious or arrogant, do not pretend to be an intellectual. Still, despite all the beliefs of the pickup artists, the most effective way to strike up a conversation with a girl you like is to walk up and say hello. Of course, she may refuse to talk to you and get to know you, but none of the complex "proven" pick-up methods does not guarantee a 100% result. Especially in a situation with beautiful girls who have already heard enough of original visits to meet.
Another great option for striking up a conversation with a girl in a public place is to ask her opinion. Cafes, large shops, bazaars are suitable for this tactic. Anything. The main thing is to ask for opinions on a question that she understands (it is unlikely that it will be football, fishing or hunting). Seeking help with choosing a shirt or tie is a great way to start a conversation.
In any bar, the easiest way to get a girl's attention is to drink to her health. You just need to catch the eye of the person you like, raise a glass and say "Your health!" This cute gesture evokes interest and positive emotions in almost all girls. After that, you can try to strike up a conversation on any neutral topic, most importantly, do not be intrusive.
If you've already met a girl, but your conversation isn't going well, invite her to play a game. It can be sea battle or noughts and crosses on a napkin. You can give in to her a little, this will significantly increase the chances of an interesting conversation after the game is over.