On dates, guys sometimes act stiff. The reason for this is the lack of knowledge of general topics that can be discussed with a representative of the opposite sex.

Step 1
If this is your first date with a girl and you don't know what to talk to about, try asking her about the hobbies and hobbies she is interested in. Perhaps your circle of interests will coincide, and you can easily maintain a conversation. In such situations, you can talk about sports, cinema, travel, pets, art, music and literature. By the way, the literary theme is capable of captivating a girl quite strongly, since the fairer sex likes well-read guys. Only before such conversations, it is advisable to familiarize yourself in more detail with some of the works that may interest the lady.
Step 2
In addition, on the first date, you can ask the girl about her plans for the future, about her life values and priorities, and also share your thoughts on this with her. While education and career are acceptable topics of conversation, conversations about wealth and financial stability should be avoided. Just remember: if your point of view does not coincide with the opinion of your interlocutor, you should not speak harshly on this score and condemn her. Express your beliefs correctly and accurately, do not impose your opinion on the girl.
Step 3
Another topic of conversation is funny stories from your life and the lives of your friends. It all depends on what exactly you can remember. However, everything that you tell your new acquaintance should not go beyond the bounds of decency. Do not use rude expressions and obscene language in a conversation, otherwise the fairer sex may have a negative impression of you.
Step 4
Also, during your date, you can tell a little about your family, but if your interlocutor does not share such feedback with you, do not ask her unnecessary questions, as she may not like this topic.
Step 5
At the end of the date, you can discuss the prospect of the next meeting and talk about plans for the weekend. Try asking where the girl would like to visit and arrange for her the date of her dreams. If at the beginning of the conversation you discussed some films, you can invite your interlocutor to the cinema for a romantic comedy or her favorite picture. Maybe a girl wants to visit a museum or exhibition, go to a circus or an amusement park. Fulfill her desire, and in return you will receive an additional meeting, and maybe even a new love story.