Are you one of those who have already been in an unpleasant situation, when next to the girl they could not connect even two words, and she looked at the floor, and both of you were awkwardly silent? Do not despair, many have already gone through this. If you prepare for a date with your girlfriend in advance and make a little effort on yourself, next time you will know what to talk about.

A good start is the key to success
Start with an easy topic. Don't start off with something that might embarrass the girl. Don't talk about the weird rash on your back or ask her what confused her the most in her life. Stick to neutral themes that can be developed into something more interesting. Avoid using swear words. Girls love to be treated like a lady.
Here are some possible conversation starters:
Favorite music bands, Recently watched movies
Pets, Brothers and sisters, What did you do last weekend and what do you plan to do next weekend, Your plans for the next vacation or vacation.
Avoid personal topics
Personal conversation can be reserved for future communication. In the meantime, do not mention who died in the family, whom you once loved, what strange diseases you had, or how you are afraid of death. Too deep conversations at the beginning of dating can scare a girl away.
On the other hand, if she herself started a conversation on a personal topic, then you can respond in kind. You will be quits, but don't go beyond the line.
Pay attention to the girl's facial expressions and her body language. You asked a simple question, and she seems upset and recoils back? So the conversation turned to a sensitive topic for her.
Remember to smile
A positive attitude and a friendly demeanor will help win the girl's attention and make her feel good about you. Don't grin until your mouth hurts. But a pleasant expression will brighten up your conversation. Then the girl will have a positive feeling from the conversation. It is especially important to smile at the beginning and end of a conversation. A beautiful start and a graceful ending to the conversation will leave a good impression of you.
Look in your eyes
Yes, eyes talk too. By stroking a girl in the eyes, you seem to tell her that you appreciate her. Shyness may cause you to start looking at your feet or to the sides, but push yourself too hard. On the other hand, constant eye contact can confuse a girl. But look her in the eyes when she talks.
Ask questions
The best way to show a girl how much she means to you is to ask her about what she has recently done or just talk about herself. Questions do not have to be personal, and it is even better if they do not touch on personal topics. The point is for the girl to feel like you are trying to get to know her better. If she doesn’t ask questions, then you’d better refrain from them for a while. Perhaps she had an uncomfortable feeling that she was being interrogated. Here's what you can ask a girl about:
Her hobbies and interests
Her favorite bands, books and TV shows, Her favorite school subjects
Her dream job
Her best friends
Her plans for the future.
Give compliments
After a good start to the conversation, you can compliment the girl. Be honest. Don't go overboard. Praise her jewelry, hairstyle, sweater, or even some personality trait. But avoid being straightforward. “You have beautiful legs” is too much. Remain as neutral as possible. Don't get carried away.
One compliment per conversation is enough. Otherwise, the girl may have the feeling that she is being placated in this way or simply being told a lie.
Maintaining a conversation
As you move on to the main part of the conversation, look for a topic that interests both of you. Perhaps you grew up in the same city, did you have a common teacher, a common acquaintance, or do you like the same sport? Ask what movie she recently watched. But don't get hung up on any one movie. Let there be more innuendo in the conversation. Then there are more topics.
Another great way to keep the conversation going is to ask the girl for her opinion on a particular account. What does she think about the political situation in the country? Does she like her new shoes? By getting her opinion, you are showing that you respect and value her as a person.
You will make a great impression on the girl if you draw her attention to anything from the environment. Is there a bookstore nearby and she visits it? Does she have a badge on her sweater with an interesting logo of a well-known public organization? This creative approach will show the girl how attentive to detail you are.
Make her laugh. If your interlocutor likes your joke, she will want to communicate with you over and over again. Look for opportunities to joke. Laugh at yourself, at a common acquaintance, but kindly. A short, funny story can also cheer her up.
If humor isn't your thing, don't force yourself to joke. The girl will feel it, and she will also feel uncomfortable. Better to let things happen naturally. Be yourself.
Don't make fun of her if you're not sure about her reaction. She may be offended by you. And then communication is over.
Stay confident. Say goodbye on a good note. The best way to leave a positive impression of yourself is to break up before the conversation is over and seems interesting. Say it's time for you, promise to continue the conversation. The girl will be intrigued and want to meet again.