Every date is a very exciting event, but especially the first. It largely depends on him whether there will be further meetings with the guy you liked. To avoid the most common mistakes, you need to carefully prepare for this meeting and hold it at the highest level.

Step 1
Think over and choose an outfit, shoes and accessories. You should not dress very solemnly, unless, of course, you are invited to an expensive pretentious restaurant. Dress comfortably and avoid stiletto heels that are too high. Do not overdo it with makeup either - many men do not like the abundance of "plaster" applied to their face. They perceive this as a desire to hide the flaws in their appearance. In addition, a large amount of bright decorative cosmetics always adds several years to you, and you don't need it at all.
Step 2
Don't be late, especially if you want to do it on purpose. This is no longer a cute girly feature to anyone. Modern young people are accustomed to value and respect time. Demonstrate that you are respectful of the person who dated you.
Step 3
Think about topics for conversation and try to listen to the interlocutor more when you meet. Firstly, it will help you get to know him better, and, secondly, in this way you will win over your interlocutor, who will be pleased with your interest in what he is telling you.
Step 4
You should not try to appear like a different person and behave in a manner unusual for you. Unnaturalness will always be noticeable and will not make a very pleasant impression. And do not exaggerate your merits or lie. If this is revealed, then you will be ashamed, and the guy - unpleasant. Behave with restraint, but do not try to appear larger and better than you really are.
Step 5
Avoid serious topics and topics of "nothing". It will be equally inappropriate to talk about the weather, recently purchased things, and about politics or global problems of concern to mankind. Try not to talk too much about yourself, your problems, and past romances. This may all be misinterpreted, so stick to neutral topics.
Step 6
Be calm, relaxed, and friendly. Do not find fault with his words and react to jokes - make it easier for him to communicate with you. It should be comfortable and interesting with you so that the guy wants to meet you again.
Step 7
The first date will allow you to decide if you want to date again. If so, show him that you are interested and liked by him by inviting him to go somewhere in a few days. If you realize that you are not at all suitable for each other, then gently but decisively let him know. Act at the behest of your senses, but listen to what your mind says.