To be always with your loved one, the relationship must be protected and preserved. Develop them, move to new levels. Become one. Never let everyday life dominate your emotions. Love is an unconditional concept, which means that do not put any conditions on each other.

Step 1
Never demand anything from each other, do not raise your voice, do not give ultimatums.
Step 2
If you live together, show maximum care for your loved one. Prepare lunch, help with household chores. Start some kind of joint business.
Step 3
Always take an interest in the things you love at work. Stay on top of all the action. Maintain a conversation about colleagues and your career.
Step 4
Build friendly and warm relationships with his parents and friends.
Step 5
Share his interests and hobbies. Do the same or read all the information about this hobby. A conversation with a knowledgeable person is always more interesting.
Step 6
Start your family traditions at home. It can be anything: going to the steam room on Saturdays or every Tuesday for a family tea.
Step 7
Carried away by his affairs and interests, do not forget about yourself. In order to remain always interesting for a loved one, personal development and spiritual growth should occur. Always meet with friends, go to the gym, improve your qualifications at work, make a career.
Step 8
Make sure to spend your vacation together. Plan it well in advance.
Step 9
Invite friends to your place, visit friends together.
Step 10
Have a baby. Nothing unites like children together.
Step 11
By following these rules, you will always be with your loved one.