Recently, the number of women (girls) who want to marry a foreigner has increased. Someone is attracted by men from other countries, while someone just wants to leave the country and experience the joy of a “different” life. There are many ways of acquaintance today. The main thing is not to make a mistake and not get trapped.

Step 1
Use the internet. A large number of foreigners are looking for their happiness on the World Wide Web. Only in this case it is worth considering that men from other countries sometimes try not to leave information about themselves on the site. They begin to "open up" at the moment when among thousands of profiles they find the only one they want to get acquainted with.
Step 2
Fill out the questionnaire on several sites at once and do not expect an instant result. Only as a result of purposeful search and everyday work, you can achieve what you want. Therefore, try to choose "live" sites where people actively communicate.
Step 3
Visit a marriage agency. Fill out a questionnaire about yourself, tell us more about yourself and the person you need. Your data will be analyzed and an appropriate candidate will be selected. Well, then everything will go on as usual: you agree and try yourself in this relationship, or you keep waiting.
Step 4
Choose to study at the relevant Higher Education Institution. For example, with serious language training. After a few years of study, you will be able to go for an internship abroad and, perhaps, there you will meet that one person. Many foreigners study in the Russian Federation. This gives you an extra chance to meet the right person in Russia.
Step 5
Go on vacation abroad. While in another country, study the customs and traditions of another people, get imbued with its culture. It will help you to better understand foreign male foreigners. What kind of women do they prefer, how they look after them. After analyzing the information within yourself, just make a plan for your "capture". It will not be difficult to get acquainted with a foreigner on his territory.