The choice of the ideal guy must be taken seriously, otherwise separation may become a possible final choice, and this is not the best option for developing a relationship. Let's dwell on the most basic points.

Step 1
The most common mistake when choosing the perfect guy is the desire to find yourself at least a copy of Zac Efron, at most, Justin Bieber. The problem in dealing with a copy will be that every day you will notice more and more differences from the original, but the saddest thing may be that the character of someone who is very similar to a star is most likely not sugar. In addition, after a few days you will be able to find out that there are much more people who want to be the girl of the copy of the star than you thought, which means that parting is inevitable. The star, although not real, often uses its resemblance to the fullest, and this is fraught with the fact that you, having already built some plans for the future, similar to a fairy tale, will result in a broken heart and wasted time.
Step 2
Chances are high that the relationship will end earlier than we would like, and in case you decide to meet a guy who is "always with the money." Significant sums in pockets and a good car are far from an indicator of an ideal guy, since his money is usually not earned, but allocated by his parents, which means that even if your chosen one reciprocates, which, however, is unlikely, then your trip will depend down the aisle will not be from him, but from the parents. And they, as you know, have probably already found him a party of the corresponding social status. Of course, you can take risks, but the probability of success is the same as if you, trying to make up with your eyes closed, hoped to take first place in the Miss Moscow contest. The option of "rich Buratino" should not be completely rejected, of course, but one should not count on it very much. If you nevertheless decide on this, then try to first get to know his parents, and then open your heart to his love. In this case, your chances increase exponentially, although here, too, a certain amount of risk remains.
Step 3
Let's go back to our ideal boyfriend and listen to our own hearts. Yes, the ideal guy is not at all a movie star, not a general, or even a multi-billionaire, because you can become a general's wife only by marrying a promising lieutenant. About the beauty of the ideal guy, popular wisdom says that she should be like a representative of the gorilla class, and it's hard to disagree with this. Firstly, this will probably not be taken away, secondly, he will appreciate your love much more and, thirdly, it is this type of guy who is most motivated to achieve success. Remember Napoleon, who, without being distinguished either by beauty or growth, conquered all of Europe and threw her at the feet of his beloved. The main thing is to stop him in time, and then enjoy the happiness of the one who loves you.