There is a well-known stereotype that a man should be taller than his lady. However, you cannot order your heart, and now a young man of the same height as her, or even less than her by a dozen centimeters, appears in the girl's life. And the question arises: what to do?

Step 1
In a short man, you can find a lot of advantages. He does not need as much food as a two-meter "pitching", so you will be able to cook much less often. In addition, subconsciously, a girl is embarrassed to eat more than a young man, so the difference in height will have a beneficial effect on her figure.
Step 2
Often, the difference in the height of a traditional pair can reach half a meter. Mirrors, kitchen cabinets, switches - all this is usually designed for the growth of one of the partners. When living together with a short young man, you no longer have to stand on a stool to get salt.
Step 3
In bed, the difference in height is not at all important. And pose 69 is most convenient for lovers, whose height is about the same. If the young man is significantly shorter than you, do not be discouraged, there are many other positions. But it is much easier to bear and give birth to children from a short man than from a tall and broad-shouldered one.
Step 4
Many girls who date short young men are worried about what others will say about their couple. Yes, the “classic” couple is the one where the man is taller than the woman, but remember the photos of famous top models, in which they are captured with their loved ones - often girls are taller than men. Many musicians or prominent political figures were of short stature, which did not prevent them from being very popular with women.
Step 5
If the problem of growth still worries you a lot, you can choose your wardrobe in such a way as to visually appear lower. Avoid vertical stripes and heels. Choose light-colored clothes, or things of bright colors: orange, green, cornflower blue. Matte fabrics visually lengthen the figure, but shiny ones, on the contrary, make them look fat and lower. If you choose the right wardrobe, no one will say that your boyfriend is lower.