Spornosexual: A New Breed Of Men?

Spornosexual: A New Breed Of Men?
Spornosexual: A New Breed Of Men?

Spornosexual is a new type of men that has replaced metrosexuals. Representatives of this type pay great attention not only to their appearance, but also to a healthy lifestyle, as well as self-development.

Spornosexual: a new breed of men?
Spornosexual: a new breed of men?

Who is a sporesexual

In the mid-90s of the last century, journalist Mark Simpson, in the pages of the New York Times, presented the results of his observations of modern men. As a result, such a concept as metrosexual came into use. A metrosexual is a man who lives in a metropolis and does not consider it shameful to take care of himself. More than two decades later, the journalist announced the arrival of a new type - the sporesexual. This neologism consists of words such as "sports", "porn" and "sex".


The advent of the spornosexual, announced by Mark Simpson, cannot be called a new revolution in the standards of male behavior. Society came to this phenomenon gradually. It is believed that sporesexuals have replaced metrosexuals. It is more correct in this case to talk about the addition of some features, and not about a complete replacement. These types of men are similar in many ways, but there is still a difference. Metrosexuals focus on personal care, choosing stylish clothes, cosmetics, hair styling products. Spornosexuals do not focus on clothes, hairstyle and expensive things, but on the beauty of their own body.

The new type of men already had their own leaders. Basically, these are not Hollywood actors, as is the case with metrosexuals, but athletes, models. These include Cristiano Ronaldo, former rugby player Tom Evans, David Beckham, TV series actor Dan Osborne and many others. All these men show beautiful bodies. There are spornosexuals among the representatives of the stronger sex, who are not known. They want to be wanted and be in the spotlight all the time, so they work on themselves and show the result of this work.

Representatives of the new male type pay attention not only to building their body, but also to health. They demonstratively visit swimming pools, various trainings. There are a lot of sportsmen among sports coaches. Some men are engaged in self-development, yoga, proper nutrition.

Life on the Internet

Spornosexuals are active users of social networks. They use the Internet not only to get important information, to communicate, but also to showcase their bodies.

Social media accounts of such men gain a lot of subscribers. There are a lot of photos on the personal pages of the sportive sex. In the photo, netizens appear in front of subscribers in a half-naked form, showing "cubes" on their stomachs, pumped up figures. Sporesexuals love to show themselves in their underwear. If earlier beautiful men, having nothing to do with show business or advertising, could only be contemplated in this form by wives or close friends, now everyone can do it. Self-admiration sometimes reaches a critical point. Men are constantly uploading photos from the gym, the shower. bedrooms.

If you carefully study the pages of spornosexuals, you can find subscriptions to many groups and publics on the organization of healthy eating, motivation, success and positive thinking. Their images are carefully thought out and give the impression that they are constantly on the move.

Experts' opinions

The opinions of modern psychiatrists and psychologists about the emergence of a new type of men are divided. Most of them consider this a new form of communication and do not see anything wrong with such behavior. Over the past decade, life has changed quite a lot. Many began to communicate more on social networks. The lack of real meetings has led people to show their photographs in order to attract attention, to remind them of themselves.

Some experts look out for signs of some disorder in this phenomenon. The narcissism of sporesexuals sometimes transcends all established norms. They become addicted to likes and comments. Psychologists see a negative point in the fact that representatives of a new type of men do not seek to show their inner world, to demonstrate intellectual abilities. Sporesexuals emphasize narcissism and demonstration of physical data. This is the main problem.

The Italian psychoanalyst Massimo Recalcati studied a new phenomenon in his scientific works. He believes that addiction to "selfies" and posting photos on social networks is a way to inflate self-importance. Recalcati said that people with such a mindset stopped taking photographs and adequately perceive the world around them. For them, it serves only as a background, decoration.

But sporesexuals also have defenders. Many experts believe that there is nothing wrong with this phenomenon. Spornosexuals can be viewed as an advertisement for a healthy lifestyle, physical activity. Beautiful photos on the Internet motivate young people to work on themselves, improve their bodies.
