If the girl is shy, shy by nature, communication with a new acquaintance can turn into a serious problem. And then in the conversation with the guy there will be awkward pauses, and this is unlikely to contribute to the development of relations. In such a case, you always need to keep in mind a few questions that you can ask the guy.

Step 1
It is best to gather more information about the guy beforehand. If you know what his tastes and hobbies are, how he prefers to spend his free time, what kind of music he listens to, it will be easier for you to strike up a conversation and get his attention. Then ask him questions about his hobbies and hobbies. This will be the best.
Step 2
If you could not or did not want to find such information, you can frankly ask him: "What are you fond of?" If you have common interests, hobbies, consider yourself lucky. After all, it will be possible to ask questions competently, without fear of getting into an awkward situation, and the young man will certainly be delighted to find a kindred spirit.
Step 3
Leisure activities are a good topic of conversation. At the beginning of your acquaintance, you can ask the guy where he likes to rest, spend his holidays (or vacation, or New Year, etc.). Here it is only very important to be delicate, because the financial capabilities of all people are different. And if it turns out that you have already visited many countries, and the young man has never been abroad, this can put him in an awkward position. Therefore, try so that your question does not sound like this: "I have already been there, there and there, and you?.."
Step 4
If the young man works, you can ask him a few questions regarding the place of work, his job responsibilities. Don't be too meticulous here either. Do not in any way be interested in the size of his salary. This will make an unpleasant impression.
Step 5
"The way to a man's heart lies through the stomach" - almost a win-win conversation option - cooking. Ask what kind of food he likes especially. And if it turns out that you know how to cook them well, this can be very useful to you in the future.
Step 6
You can also ask questions about your favorite films, actors, musicians. Try not to show your boyfriend your negative attitude if it turns out that your tastes are diametrically opposed.