How To Transport A Child

How To Transport A Child
How To Transport A Child

Table of contents:


The safe transportation of children in a car cannot be carried out without special restraints. Take care of your child's safety, install a car seat or booster in the car.

How to transport a child
How to transport a child


Step 1

The traffic rules clearly indicate the rules for the transportation of children in cars: “Transportation of children under 12 years of age in vehicles equipped with seat belts must be carried out using special child restraints appropriate to the weight and height of the child, or other means that allow the child to be fastened using seat belts provided by the design of the vehicle. And on the front seat of a passenger car - only with the use of special child restraints. It is forbidden to transport children under 12 years of age on a motorcycle."

Step 2

By restraints we mean child car seats or boosters. Car seats are selected according to the height and weight of the child and have different groups: 0-13 kg (group 0 plus)

0-18 kg (group 0 plus / 1)

9-18 kg (group 1)

9-25kg (group 1, 2)

15-36 kg (group 2, 3)

9-36 kg (Group 1, 2, 3) All car seats must be selected based on these criteria. This is the only way to achieve maximum child safety.

Step 3

The booster is a small seat without a backrest. It is not as comfortable as a car seat and serves to fasten the child with a regular seat belt. After all, if the child is short, the belt will pass right under the throat of the little passenger. In an emergency, such a belt will not only not protect, but also aggravate the situation.

Step 4

If you have to travel in a car without child restraints (taxis), you can buy a seat belt clip. Such a device fixes the belt to the desired height and allows the child to be fastened correctly.
