Traveling with a small child in a taxi is a responsible and difficult business, especially when it comes to long-distance trips. Parents should not only take care of the availability of a car seat, but also monitor the behavior of the baby so as not to distract the driver.

Safety regulations
Traveling with a child is an exciting activity with a number of subtleties, especially if parents prefer to use a car. Having decided to order a taxi, you need to warn the dispatcher in advance that a passenger under 12 years old will be in the cabin. In this case, the company is obliged to take care of the availability of a car seat and select the appropriate car. It is attached to the rear seat of the car using special seat belts.
It is known that at a speed of more than 60 km / h, it is almost impossible to hold a baby in your arms in case of emergency braking, therefore, a car seat is required.
If the parents did not warn about the presence of a small passenger in advance, and there is no child restraint in the car, the driver has the right to refuse transportation, since he assumes all responsibility, including the payment of a fine. For the smallest children, infant carriers are provided, which provide all the conditions for a comfortable journey. It is very good when parents have such a thing in their arsenal. In this case, when ordering a taxi, they can emphasize that they need a luxury car, where their own car seat would easily fit.
Brewster is a special pillow for carrying babies. With its help, the child is raised to the required height so that a standard seat belt can pass over his shoulder.
Rules of behavior
Taxi drivers are often not very fond of transporting small children, as they make noise and interfere on the road. The task of the parents is to keep the child busy while driving, for example, you can look at the scenery outside the window, play games on the tablet or phone, and also indulge in toys if the child is very small.
It is very important that the driver does not feel discomfort while driving, because the safety of passengers directly depends on this. It happens that a child can be frightened by an unfamiliar environment and burst into tears, in this case you need to get out of the car and imagine the trip as an exciting game in order to attract the attention of the crumbs.
Long trips
Long-distance trips are perceived by fidgets rather difficult. When traveling by taxi between cities, parents should stock up on everything they need - food, water, toys, diapers, wet wipes, etc. If the trip is planned for the hot season, and the air conditioner is running in the car, every few hours it is imperative to irrigate the nasal mucosa of the crumbs to protect it from drying out.
You should not overfeed the child on the road so that he does not get seasick, you also need to protect the baby from excessive fluid intake. A trip with a child in a taxi or in your own car is a responsible business that requires special attention from parents.