Baby Jumpers: Benefits And Harms

Baby Jumpers: Benefits And Harms
Baby Jumpers: Benefits And Harms

The physical and emotional state of the child depends on the variety of physical activity. In infancy, the main study of the surrounding world takes place in the hands of the mother: you can look in all directions, reach for objects of interest, try them on the tooth. The problem is that the mother cannot devote all the time to the child, she needs to do household chores, sometimes rest. In order not to restrict the child in movement, you can use children's jumpers.

baby jumpers
baby jumpers

The design is a panty seat with a high chest and back. Spring belts are attached to them. They are interconnected by a ring that is hung in the doorway.

What is the use of children's jumpers

The main advantage of this design is the development of the children's vestibular apparatus and the strengthening of the spine. Being in jumpers teaches the child to control his body, control the speed of movements, determine his position relative to surrounding objects. The child, being safe, can jump independently, pushing off the floor with both legs. Their constant flexion and extension trains and strengthens the muscles, and this activity brings positive emotions to the baby.

When baby jumpers do harm

The limitation for jumpers is the age of the child. They cannot be used for up to 7 months. To be in jumper, the baby must be able to sit on his own, start crawling, be able to bend his back while lying on his stomach and keep his head for more than a minute.

Being in jumpers for a long time, the child gets used to the fact that it is possible to move by pushing off the floor with both legs at the same time, and begins to apply this rule, trying to walk and, of course, falls. Unsuccessful attempts to learn to move independently lead to disappointment - the child often begins to walk later than his peers.

Incorrectly adjusting the height of the jumpers forces the child to step on their toes, and this habit also creates problems in learning to walk.

Long-term presence of the baby in jumpers (more than 20 minutes) can lead to injury to the skin in the perineum.

The competent use of jumpers will not harm the health of the baby. In the period after 7 months, the child actively masters the space, starting to crawl. The development of these motor skills can be alternated with jumping. This will allow the child to develop harmoniously in accordance with the age.
