In Russia, the maximum period that an employer can provide for caring for a child is three years. After that, if the mother does not want to lose her position, she must go to work. This raises a serious problem with who will look after the child in her absence. And if the child does not have grandparents who are ready to devote the whole day to him, and the parents do not have the opportunity to hire a nanny for their offspring, the only way out is kindergarten.

It is necessary
- - birth certificate of the child;
- - parents' passports;
- - certificates from work of both parents;
- - medical certificate of the child's health.
Step 1
If you want to enroll your child in a municipal kindergarten, do so in advance, as there are not enough places in preschool institutions for everyone. In some regions, you can sign up for a queue from the age of two months, in others - from one year.
Step 2
Collect the required documents. Get a child's birth certificate, get a certificate from your place of work and from your spouse about your employment. If you have any benefits for admission to kindergarten, for example, the status of a large family, prepare supporting certificates. If you are planning to place your child in a specialized kindergarten, for example, for children with visual or hearing impairments, get a referral certificate from a doctor.
Step 3
Contact your local district education office. Its coordinates can be found on the website of your mayor's office or district council. When submitting documents, find out if you will need to re-register in the queue, and if so, how often. In some cities there are "electronic queues" with which you can find out how soon you will receive a place in kindergarten via the Internet.
Step 4
When it's your turn, get your ticket from the education department. With it, you can come to the specified kindergarten and enroll your child in a group.
Step 5
If you already need to go to work, and there is still no place in the kindergarten, find out if there are private preschools in your city. The cost of their services is higher than that of government services, but this can be an outlet for a working mother.
Step 6
If you are a parent in a large family, then if you live in a number of regions, you can solve the problem by organizing your own home kindergarten. For example, in Moscow it is necessary to have three preschoolers for this. In this case, the state will pay you additional funds, and if you have suitable housing conditions, you will be able to look after other people's children for an additional fee.