There is a strong opinion that having the weather is a good option for the best possible upbringing of children. They are less selfish and greedy, more sociable. Weathers protect each other from early childhood, are very close to each other. They react less viciously when other children take away their toys. The tiny age difference gives children many common interests and tastes, they play well together, while keeping each other wonderfully entertaining.

Step 1
In the upbringing of weather children, one of the main and necessary points is to bring the children's regime to uniformity. Try to create a daily routine that is comfortable for everyone. If an older child wants to play, you should not constantly snort at him. Try tucking the younger one in the kitchen or another room.
Step 2
Prepare your baby for the birth of a brother or sister both physically (teach them to sleep separately, do without a stroller) and psychologically. Quite often, already completely independent children, with the appearance of the fourth family member, begin to "fall into childhood." They behave like a newborn, requiring a lot of attention.
Do not reproach the child, just calmly explain that he has already outgrown this age. When asking for something to bring or give, use the pronoun “me”, not “him” (brother or sister).
Step 3
When raising children-the weather, especially at first, outside help is simply needed. But you should not completely give the firstborn to the care of nannies or grandmothers. Try to give him attention and love. Let dad and grandmothers also help in raising the youngest child. At this time, you turn your attention to the elder.
Step 4
It is very difficult to keep track of both children while walking. Therefore, try to teach the eldest to walk without a stroller by the time the baby is born. In addition, a child of one and a half to two years is very mobile, and more careful control is needed over him. You need to insure yourself in time and pick up the tomboy running away to the wrong place. It is quite difficult to do this when it is also necessary to keep an eye on the stroller. To solve this problem, you can purchase for a junior sling.
Step 5
A winter walk is especially troublesome. So that one child, whom you have already dressed, does not stand and bathe in a fur coat, teach the elder one to cope with buttons and shoes on his own. Moreover, at this age, babies develop the habit of "myself". It would be nice to get him Velcro boots and clothes with buttons.
Step 6
When the children grow up, do not perceive the older child as an adult, because he is still small. Do not place high demands on him, do not develop in him a sense of unhealthy rivalry or jealousy. Buy toys, books, clothes for kids at the same time.
Step 7
Don't isolate the older child from the younger. Let him help you look after him or play with the little one. Tell and explain more to your child. Do not discard the usual rituals for the two of you. If, before the birth of your second baby, when you put your first child to bed, you lay down next to him and read fairy tales for the night, continue this business. Try to structure your day so that the younger one does not demand your attention during this time.
Step 8
Usually, the parents of the weather do not have problems with the choice of school or kindergarten. Send your children to the same educational institution, where they both need each other's support. As for the organization of leisure, it is better to take into account the individual wishes of each.
Step 9
After two years, raising the weather becomes much easier and easier than children with a greater age difference. They perfectly organize each other, they are much more interesting together. An older child will feel like a real helper in raising a younger brother or sister. This feeling of responsibility for one's neighbor will only benefit him in the future.