Probably all young families at least once thought about how to properly raise their little child. The upbringing methods of all parents are different and directly depend on personal characteristics.

Step 1
Do not be afraid to spoil your baby, respond to his desire to be with you from the first months of life - this way you will form in him the confidence that he is not alone, that he is important. Meeting his basic needs is so vital for a child.
Step 2
Support the initiative of the crumbs, tell him what exactly he did the right thing: "You are such a good fellow, you climbed so high …" - and only then point out the mistake or danger: "It is dangerous to climb here alone, call your mother." Naturally, it is necessary to make every effort to make the environment around the baby safe: remove objects dangerous for him, protect the sockets, hide the wires, etc.
Step 3
Don't program it to fail. Don't say "you can't, you will hit, you will get sick, you will fall." It is better to replace these phrases with "be careful, be careful, do not hit, you can do it when you grow up."
Step 4
Remember, if the kid is naughty, he must understand that his act is bad, but not himself ("You are great, but drawing on the walls is bad, you cannot do that"). Do not expect the baby to realize his own wrong and understand his mistake on his own. Try to explain it to him in the most accessible form for him.
Step 5
Do not humiliate, do not hang labels (stupid, ugly, etc.) - "as you name the yacht, so it will float." This can cause the child to become complex. Use simple words "do not" and "do not", with the help of which you will be able to build an adequate line of behavior, as well as cope with a variety of problems.
Step 6
Remember that a growing child needs inhibitions just as much as they need permission and praise. Prohibitions and the requirement to comply with certain rules help the child to get comfortable in a new world for him, to perceive the experience of other people, to trust his parents. Therefore, do not be afraid to forbid the child to do something, do it as calmly and confidently as possible, and then he will not whimper and be capricious.
Step 7
Do not take care of the baby with excessive tutelage, give him the opportunity to independently explore the world around him. Just stay nearby and insure, but do not interfere with his activities. Otherwise, otherwise, the child will stay under your wing all his life.