Each mother takes care of the proper nutrition of the baby. When the child refuses to eat something, the mother immediately begins to get angry and force the child to eat the proposed dish. This gives the opposite result: scandals begin about this, although the food should please the baby. There are several solutions to this problem.

You can give your child a choice. Let him decide when to eat, now or later. The pledge of appetite - a person takes food as soon as he begins to experience hunger. You sit down at the table yourself, start eating with pleasure, and the child, seeing this, decides for himself whether to dine or not. Previously, you can remind that the choice is his, but additionally no one will cover for him. The kid will decide for himself whether he needs food and how much to eat.
It is important to remember and know that your child needs to follow their own feelings of hunger, and not obey your idea of it.
The theory that the only healthy eating option is three meals a day is totally wrong. Perhaps it will be much more comfortable for the child to have a bite of healthy foods a couple of times: nuts, cheese, vegetables.
There are little tricks you can use to increase your appetite. Offer a grated apple half an hour before a meal to your child, which causes gastric secretion and an increase in appetite. For this purpose, whole apples, and cranberries, and lingonberries are suitable.
By persistence, you still will not achieve anything, and so the child will independently solve the emerging issues. When you force your child to eat something, he may end up giving up this product forever. Resistance is directly proportional to persistence.