A child's birthday is always a significant holiday, both for his parents and relatives, and for himself, but the day when the child turns one year becomes an especially important holiday for relatives. Of course, every parent begins to think about how to celebrate the very first birthday of the baby in a special, unusual and interesting way. In a sense, by celebrating the first birthday of a child, you summarize the first year of his life, congratulating not only the baby, but also yourself.

Step 1
Make the holiday so that a one-year-old baby feels a festive atmosphere, even if he is not yet aware of his own birthday. Decorate your apartment with ribbons, balloons and greeting cards.
Step 2
Hang decorations and bells over the baby's crib that will wake him up with a beautiful ringing. Put on some nice music, dress nicely, and prepare an outfit for your child. Place bouquets of flowers in vases on the tables, hang garlands and photographs of the baby on the walls. Guests will bring gifts and toys, and you will give your child maximum festive atmosphere and magic on his first holiday.
Step 3
In order to surprise guests, create a slideshow of photos of your baby from birth to this day. Use the Windows Movia Maker program for this. In the background for the display of photos, include music that you need to select in advance - children's songs, music by famous composers, and so on. A collection of photographs can be arranged not only in the format of a video presentation, but also in the format of a wall newspaper.
Step 4
Invite guests with children - the baby will feel more confident with peers. Play fun dance music for the kids to have fun and have fun, and prepare music for the solemn moment of blowing out the candles on the cake and table greetings. Create fun contests for adults and simple activities for toddlers.
Step 5
Hang a large daisy, cut from a piece of Whatman paper, on the wall. Invite your guests to write on each flower petal a wish for the baby and a congratulation from themselves and their family.
Step 6
Special attention should be paid to the preparation of the festive table. As a rule, at such a holiday, the most successful option would be to install two tables - an adult and a child. Place fresh juice, milk, plain water, as well as sliced fruits, cookies and sweets on the children's table. Especially for the children's table, you can make a light curd or jelly cake.
Step 7
Serve the adult table as you wish - depending on the taste preferences of the guests. In order for the guests not to be distracted from their children, whom they brought with them, the adult table can be arranged in the form of a buffet table.
Step 8
Sometimes it is useful to go with the baby to another room, so that he can rest from too much influx of impressions, sit in silence and calm down, sharing new sensations with you.