Is It Possible To Walk After Vaccination

Is It Possible To Walk After Vaccination
Is It Possible To Walk After Vaccination

The issue of vaccinations is of great concern to young parents. Many children tolerate the procedure without any specific reactions, but there are those for whom the introduction of the vaccine becomes a serious challenge. Caring parents try to minimize potential risks and protect children from complications during vaccination. There may not be many bans on the day of vaccination and a few days after it. Most often, the child should not be bathed, taken to the sauna, and physical activity should not be avoided. In addition, the question often arises, is it possible to walk after vaccination?

Walking after vaccination is possible only in good weather
Walking after vaccination is possible only in good weather

Reasons why you shouldn't walk after vaccination?

Despite the fact that there is no direct prohibition on walking by doctors, in some cases it is not recommended to walk outside after vaccination.

The reasons may be as follows:

  1. The child is prone to respiratory diseases and easily picks up any viruses.
  2. The child has any chronic diseases.
  3. Bad weather conditions (low temperature, dampness, wind). This condition may seem obvious, but some parents adhere to the principle of "walking in any weather." Vaccinations are the best time to make an exception and stay at home.
  4. The child is too active in the street and may sweat a lot.
  5. The epidemic of influenza and other respiratory diseases is a reason not only to exclude walks on the day of vaccination, but also not to visit public places with children at all due to the increased vulnerability of the body.

Recommendations for how long you shouldn't walk and when you can resume walking

To play it safe, it is advisable to refrain from walking for at least 24 hours. After that, in the absence of complications, you can safely go out with your child. If you rule out all the contraindications and risks listed in the previous section, in favorable weather, you can walk immediately after vaccination. In doing so, it is recommended to consider a number of useful tips.

If the difference between indoor and outdoor temperatures is too great, do not go for a walk immediately after vaccination. Many parents practice this approach - taking a walk after the clinic to calm the baby. This tactic is justified, but you should not take the child out of the room too quickly. After visiting the treatment room, sit in the lobby of the medical facility. If we are talking about a vaccine for a baby, put 1 layer of clothing on it and just hold it in your arms or feed it. With an older child, you can read and watch cartoons (but not run along the corridors and exclude other physical activity).

Your task is to wait about half an hour in a calm environment to avoid side effects after vaccination. For example, in the case of the DPT vaccine, these 20-30 minutes are enough to understand, for example, whether the child has an allergic reaction. In addition, the baby needs time to calm down.

While walking with your child after vaccination, observe him closely. In particular, the following symptoms should alert you:

  • increased temperature (hot forehead);
  • pallor of the skin;
  • nausea;
  • lethargy;
  • redness of the cheeks.

If you see any of these reactions, contact your pediatrician and take your child home.

How to schedule walks after vaccinations

To ensure that walking with your child after vaccination does not have negative consequences, you can slightly adjust the usual schedule. The main principle is not to go out for a walk immediately after the procedure.

It is recommended that you take your child for a walk before the vaccine is given to give him a chance to sleep, get some air or to be distracted. On the same day, in the late afternoon, you can safely go for a second walk, if you do not notice any oddities in the behavior or well-being of the child.

The day after vaccination, you can resume your usual walking schedule.

Is it possible to walk with a child at a temperature after vaccination?

A rise in temperature is quite possible after vaccination. This can be a variant of the norm during the day, provided that the indicators are not too high (up to 38, 5) and the positive dynamics of therapy with antipyretic drugs. It should be understood that in this case we are not talking about an illness, therefore, an increased temperature is not an absolute reason to exclude walks. Especially if you live in a favorable climate and the weather is good outside. Moreover, sea, mountain or forest air during the warmer months will contribute to better recovery after vaccination. In these favorable conditions, you can walk after the vaccination, but try to get the child to sleep while walking in the fresh air.
