Sooner or later, every parent is faced with the problem of how to quickly and painlessly wean a child from diapers at night. The main thing in this situation is not to go too far and not to rush things. It is enough to listen to your baby, it is the child who will tell you whether he is ready for this step or not.

Step 1
In order for a child to sleep peacefully without diapers at night, he must wean them from them in the daytime and learn to ask for a potty. To wean him from diapers during the day, a lot of effort is not required, you only need to be patient and wait until the child turns one and a half years old. It was at this time that the baby consciously asks for the pot, feeling his natural urges.
Step 2
It is recommended to wean your baby off diapers gradually. Wear it only when necessary, for a walk and during daytime and nighttime sleep. The rest of the time, when the child is without a diaper, you need to be potty trained, planting the baby first every half hour, and then increase the time interval to two hours. The kid will quickly understand what the parents want from him, and a positive result will not keep you waiting long.
Step 3
If the baby himself asks for a potty during the day, there comes a time when you need to wean the baby from the diaper during a night's sleep. To keep the baby dry all night, sleep peacefully and serenely, it is enough to adhere to some rules. At first, for a safety net, you should put an oilcloth or a special disposable diaper in the crib, which absorbs moisture well and does not cause severe irritation. You also need to remember, before putting the child to bed, to put him on the potty, in some cases this will be enough for the baby to sleep peacefully all night and not wet himself.