How To Put A Baby To Bed

How To Put A Baby To Bed
How To Put A Baby To Bed

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For some time, the fact that the baby falls asleep under the mother's breast is the norm and guarantees the correct formation of the child's nervous system, so you should not listen to the adherents of the long-outdated Spock and make the baby scream in his crib for hours. A sensitive mother will always understand how to properly put her baby to bed, and when he is already ready for independence and growing up. But the fact that children love a certain regime and a certain ritual is a fact, therefore it must be developed from the first days of life.

How to put a baby to bed
How to put a baby to bed


Step 1

Gradually, you will understand who your baby is: a lark or an owl. And at first, stick to the golden mean and start preparing your child for bed at 7-9 pm.

Step 2

A very good "anchor" for a child is an evening bath before going to bed, it becomes a certain ritual and a harbinger of the fact that a night's rest will soon come. The child understands this and already in advance begins to tune in to sleep.

Step 3

For two to three hours, restrict the child from noisy and active games, because the baby's nervous system is still so weak and imperfect. Give preference to quiet games, tell your child a fairy tale, read a book, just walk around the apartment. You can play soothing music - that helps too.

Step 4

After bathing and hygiene, create a quiet and soothing atmosphere in the baby's sleeping room. You can even turn off the night light, let the baby get used to sleeping in the dark.

Step 5

You should have a comfortable seat prepared in advance with pillows or a high chair for your feet. Sitting comfortably, lay the baby to your chest and sing a lullaby to him.

Step 6

When the baby has eaten, is fast asleep and releases the breast on its own, you can put him in the crib.

Step 7

All children love to sleep in different ways: someone on their side, someone on their tummy. Having matured a little, the baby will decide for himself how he sleeps and will turn around the way he is comfortable. In the meantime, lay it on its side - this is the most favorable position for sleeping. In this case, do not forget to periodically change the side.

Step 8

Of course, putting a baby to bed is not too problematic, all the "interesting" things begin later. Therefore, each mother must decide for herself when to start teaching her child to fall asleep on her own. As with everything related to children, you will find many completely opposite recommendations from various psychologists on this matter. Sooner or later, but your child will learn to sleep on his own, but while he is a baby, do not deprive him of this delicious joy - to fall asleep sucking on mother's milk.
