The first complementary foods are introduced to children carefully, carefully monitoring the reaction to this or that product. Eggs, as a very strong allergen, try to offer babies up to a year only in the form of yolk, ignoring the protein.

A chicken egg omelet, although a fairly simple dish, is a serious challenge for an infant's immature gastrointestinal tract. It is not recommended to offer kids under one year old a classic omelet, even if they ask for it.
Children's menu
Those who are impatient to transfer a child to an adult table should pay attention to their menu, adjusting it for a small family member. The children's body is not able to fully quickly digest an omelet from chicken eggs. Therefore, it can be prepared adjusted for the baby. The safest cooking option:
- the yolks are separated from the proteins;
- beat the yolks with a fork or whisk;
- baby milk, formula or breast milk is added to the egg mass.
Children under one year old do not need to add any spices, seasonings, salt or sugar. First, the reaction can be unpredictable. Secondly, a baby in infancy does not need an increase in taste, its receptors work fine without it.
It is recommended to cook a children's omelet not in a frying pan, but in a water bath, steamed, in an oven, in a microwave or, for example, in a multicooker. The fastest and easiest way is in a bag in a saucepan.
Omelette in a bag for a child
A 9-month-old baby can be given a chicken egg omelet for lunch or breakfast one or two to three times a week. You can cook it in parallel with other "adult" dishes. The mixture for the omelet must be poured into a regular food plastic bag, tied the edges of the bag, put it in a pot of boiling water for 5-10 minutes.
The ready-made fluffy and yellow omelet will appeal not only to kids, but also to adults.
Why you shouldn't rush
Each child's body is unique and reacts to a particular dish in its own way. Even if there is no reaction after the first meal of a new product, you should not offer a large volume for the second. At first glance, harmless omelet is recommended to be introduced gradually into the diet. Babies 9 months old usually like a light and airy meal. But they offer it in the same way as vegetable puree or porridge, starting with a teaspoon, gradually increasing the portion. If no reaction occurs within a week (the stool remains the same, there is no redness on the skin, itching and other signs of allergy or discomfort), you can add an omelet of chicken yolks to the weekly breakfast menu. Proteins are added only after a year and with the permission of the supervising pediatrician.